[Abstract]:Background: hot melt adhesive is solvent-free adhesive, safe and environmentally friendly, suitable for medical applications. Objective: to expound the characteristics of the main medical hot melt adhesive at present, at the same time to prospect the research and development direction of the hot melt bonding technology for medical polyolefin tubes in vivo, and point out the key points of the corresponding hot melt adhesive technology. Methods: from January 1995 to December 2015, SCI,Elsevier and related documents or patents were searched with the key words "hot melt glue, medical application, hot melt adhesive,medical application". Results & conclusion: there are mainly 4 kinds of medical hot melt adhesive reported in the literature, namely amorphous polyolefin hot melt adhesive, thermoplastic elastomer hot melt adhesive, acrylate hot melt adhesive and polyurethane hot melt adhesive. Most hot melt adhesives are difficult to achieve the heat resistance required by the commonly used water vapor sterilization temperature in medicine. In order to meet the need of medical conduit connection in vivo, the research idea of polyolefin medical hot melt adhesive is put forward. The key is to select the suitable melting point of random copolymerized polypropylene substrate and adjust it with the aid. The melting temperature of hot melt adhesive is lower than the melting point of pipe polyolefin material and can withstand the temperature of water vapor sterilization to ensure that the pipe does not deform and the adhesive layer does not fail during sterilization.
【作者单位】: 北京化工大学生物医用材料北京实验室;雷诺丽特塑料科技(北京)有限公司;
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