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发布时间:2018-01-18 12:19

  本文关键词:富含BMP-2的PLGA材料制备及对兔关节软骨缺损修复的应用研究 出处:《重庆医科大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 软骨缺损 修复 PLGA BMP-2 磷脂

[Abstract]:Objective: to repair bone and articular cartilage defects has not been an ideal method, and the former researches on cartilage defects are relatively few. Annuloplasty in the clinical treatment of articular cartilage defects commonly used in cartilage, bone marrow stimulation, the cartilage repair by fibrocartilage is much, short-term effect is acceptable, but long term follow-up effect. Mesenchymal stem cell pluripotency, is a research hotspot in the repair of cartilage, but cartilage mesenchymal stem cells after differentiation problems still exist in the debate. Pluripotent stem cells to repair soft bone defect, because of the risk of ethical problems and long-term use of tumor, but also hinder the further study of pluripotent stem cells. The same scaffold is a hotspot of research, especially the natural materials, such as collagen hydrogel, etc., but there is in vivo mechanical strength, degradation Time is difficult to control; synthetic polymer materials, such as polylactic acid (PLA) and polyglycolic acid (PGA), are prone to local acid poisoning, caused by excessive heating of single chain depolymerization problems; hydroxyapatite biomaterials such as brittleness, plastic difficult, less used in cartilage tissue engineering. Methods especially the method of imitating the natural cartilage formation step is currently the research focus, but the construction of cartilage from the clinical application is still a long distance. It is based on the repair of articular cartilage defects is the "gold standard" under the condition of this experiment, hoping to find more ideal materials and methods, in addition to through the experiment proves that the feasibility of preparation of materials for bone tissue engineering, the most important is that material can promote the repair of articular cartilage defects, and lay a solid foundation for future clinical application, this article research The purpose and starting point. Methods: 1. preparation of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP-2) and phospholipid complex: BMP-2 with phospholipid according to different proportion, dissolved in organic chemical solvents, freeze-dried forms.2. complexes were prepared by solution casting poly lactic acid glycolic acid copolymer (PLGA), bone morphogenetic protein (BMP-2) including physicochemical characteristics, complex membrane phospholipids and detection of.3. complexes: BMP-2 encapsulation efficiency, static contact angle of composite material, water absorption, scanning electron microscope, energy chromatograph analysis and so on, and in vitro BMP-2 on material release ability was determined by.4.PLGA-BMP-2- phospholipid complex OCT-1 and co cultured with osteoblast like cells by dialysis method, through cell adhesion test, cell proliferation assay, immunohistochemistry, cell alkaline phosphatase, real-time quantitative PCR analysis method to investigate and compare the preparation The compound sustained-release materials on cell adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, especially the long-term growth effects of.5. preparation of New Zealand rabbits knee articular cartilage defect animal model, were implanted into cartilage model complex preparation, the specimen, histological staining, nuclear magnetic resonance scanning method to observe and compare the implant repair of articular cartilage defect situation results: 1.PLGA-BMP-2- phospholipid complex encapsulation efficiency, static contact angle, water absorption, scanning electron microscope and the in vitro release test results were significantly better than the control test (PLGA-BMP-2). Especially the release of BMP-2 in vitro, the experimental group during the 30 day observation is still in the expression of BMP-2, while the control group concentrated release time at the beginning of the first 3 days of release of.2.PLGA-BMP-2- phospholipid complex and cell co culture results showed that: the experimental group promoted the adhesion and proliferation of cells, especially the long time (7 days) observation, Effect of experimental group on cell proliferation more obviously (P0.01) on cell; immunohistochemical analysis showed that the experimental group can improve the expression of type I collagen OCT-1 cells; the experimental group in the long-term observation (15 days) showed a stronger effect on cell alkaline phosphatase activity, there is a significant difference with the control group (P0.01); also in long-term observation in (15 days), the determination of OCT-1 cells into bone related genes by RT-PCR: Osteocalcin (OCN), collagen (COL), osteopontin (OPN), RUNT related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) expression in the experimental group showed a significant difference with the control group (P0.01) the experimental group was significantly increased, the expression of these genes in vivo animal experimental results of.3. repair of articular cartilage defects in 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, after gross observation, histological examination, MRI examination showed that the repair of cartilage defect in experimental group especially the ability. A long period of observation (8 weeks, 12 weeks), compared with a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group (P0.01). Conclusion: 1. phospholipid enhanced binding ability of PLGA and BMP-2, to solve the BMP-2 PLGA/BMP-2 complex in the previous release too quick, proved to.2.PLGA-BMP-2- phospholipid complex object PLGA-BMP-2- phospholipid composite can reach BMP-2 the release proved complex can promote OCT-1 cell proliferation, adhesion, differentiation; especially has obvious effect on osteoblast proliferation and differentiation of long-term, proved that the BMP-2 release ability of PLGA-BMP-2- phospholipid complexes have stronger ability, application in bone tissue engineering.3.PLGA-BMP-2- phospholipid complex animal implantation joint defect model in vivo can promote the repair of articular cartilage defects, the experimental group is better than the control group, BMP-2 was confirmed in the experimental group have sustained-release effect and animal implantation on cartilage repair The feasibility of the.4.PLGA-BMP-2- phospholipid complex into the complex can provide a novel composite biomaterial for the repair of cartilage.



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