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发布时间:2018-02-14 03:32

  本文关键词: 皮肤缺损 皮肤牵张闭合器 改良方法 修复 皮肤伸展术 出处:《中国修复重建外科杂志》2017年12期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:目的探讨一种改良可调式皮肤牵张闭合器在皮肤及软组织缺损修复中的应用。方法 2016年3月—2017年4月,应用改良可调式皮肤牵张闭合器(根据皮肤边缘的颜色、温度、毛细血管反应、肿胀程度决定调节压力的大小及调节次数)修复21例皮肤及软组织缺损。男11例,女10例;年龄21~67岁,平均49.2岁。小腿截肢术后遗留创面1例;创伤性外伤术后18例,其中位于小腿4例、膝关节3例、上肢7例、足部4例;糖尿病足2例。皮肤缺损范围4.0 cm×2.5 cm~21.0 cm×10.0 cm。结果 4例创面术中一期闭合;12例创面经术后持续牵拉5~14 d,平均10 d后闭合;5例创面缩小为原1/2以内,二期植皮或皮瓣修复后愈合。21例患者均获随访,随访时间3~12个月,平均5.2个月。创缘皮肤呈线性愈合,瘢痕小,无创缘血运不畅、坏死、皮肤感觉功能差等并发症发生。结论应用改良可调式皮肤牵张闭合器能缩小皮肤及软组织缺损面积,甚至直接闭合创面,无需后期植皮及皮瓣修复,为临床治疗皮肤及软组织缺损提供了一种可供选择的方法。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the application of an improved adjustable skin distraction closer in the repair of skin and soft tissue defects. Methods from March 2016 to April 2017, a modified adjustable skin distraction closer was used (according to the color and temperature of the skin edge). There were 21 cases of skin and soft tissue defect repaired by capillary reaction, swelling degree determining the size and times of regulating pressure), male 11 cases, female 10 cases, age 21 67 years old, mean 49.2 years old, left wound of leg amputation in 1 case; There were 18 cases of traumatic trauma, including 4 cases located in the lower leg, 3 cases in the knee, 7 cases in the upper limb and 4 cases in the foot. There were 2 cases of diabetic foot and 4. 0 cm 脳 2. 5 cm~21.0 cm 脳 10. 0 cm of skin defect. Results in 4 cases, the wound was closed in one stage after operation for 5 ~ 14 days, and the wound closed in 5 cases was reduced to less than 1/2 after 10 days on average. All the 21 cases were followed up for 3 ~ 12 months (mean 5.2 months). The wound edge skin showed linear healing, small scar, non-invasive blood flow and necrosis. Conclusion the modified adjustable skin distraction closer can reduce the area of skin and soft tissue defect, and even close the wound directly, without the need of late skin grafting and skin flap repair. It provides an alternative method for clinical treatment of skin and soft tissue defects.
【作者单位】: 郑州仁济医院外三科;


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