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  本文关键词: 髋臼发育不良 髋臼盖 三维有限元 出处:《南华大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目的:研制一种髋臼盖,并进行三维有限元分析,为髋臼盖治疗髋臼发育不良提供力学依据。材料与方法:1.髋臼盖由钛板(网)制成,包括覆盖部、边缘部和反扣部。2.建立实验模型:经医院医学伦理学委员会讨论批准、在事先告知并得到病人家属理解和同意的基础上,为一3岁女性右侧髋臼发育不良、右侧髋关节先天性脱位患者行髋臼加盖和股骨旋转截骨术,并根据患者的治疗情况建立髋关节实验标本模型。 (1)正常髋臼模型(正常模型):患者左侧正常的髋关节。 (2)髋臼盖加植骨髋臼模型(实验模型):患者右侧行髋臼加盖植骨的髋关节。3.有限元分析:两种模型标本分别进行CT扫描,以Dicom格式保存并导入Minics软件,重建三维有限元模型,模拟单腿站立时股骨头在髋臼表面负重区施加的面载荷及仿真计算,分别记录并比较两种模型应力云图、髋臼外上部应力分布曲线和位移云图。结果:我们研制的髋臼盖已获得实用新型专利。从应力云图和髋臼外上部应力分布曲线看,二组模型载荷时应力均集中在髋臼外上部,但分布不完全一致,正常模型应力集中在髋臼面外上部,最大值为903E+07帕斯卡,实验模型应力主要集中在髋臼盖,最大值为476E+09;二组模型股骨头应力分布和应力值接近。正常模型的位移云图以耻骨联合处为起点向坐骨及髂嵴方向递增,最大位移为2.64um,在坐骨结节处,最小位移为2.1 Oum,在耻骨联合部:实验模型位移同样以耻骨联合处为起点向坐骨及髂嵴方向递增,最大位移为1.70um,在坐骨结节处,最小位移为1.60um,在耻骨联合部。结论:①髋臼盖加植骨模型与正常髋臼模型的应力和位移云图大致相近。②髋臼盖加植骨模型中髋臼盖能更多地承载负荷,可能有利于植骨块植骨融合。
[Abstract]:Objective: to develop a kind of acetabular cover and analyze it by three dimensional finite element method. Materials and methods: 1. The acetabular cover is made of titanium plate (net), including covering part, in order to provide a mechanical basis for the treatment of acetabular dysplasia. Establishment of experimental model: after discussion and approval by the Medical Ethics Committee of the hospital, the right acetabular dysplasia of a 3-year-old woman was obtained on the basis of prior notification and the understanding and consent of the patient's family. Patients with congenital dislocation of the right hip were treated with acetabular cap and rotation osteotomy of femur. The experimental model of hip joint was established according to the patient's treatment. (1) normal acetabular model (normal model: patient's left normal hip. 2) acetabular cover plus bone graft acetabular model (experimental model: right side of the patient was performed acetabular. Finite element analysis: two kinds of model specimens were scanned by CT respectively. The 3D finite element model was reconstructed by Dicom and imported into Minics software. The surface load applied by the femoral head on the acetabular surface was simulated and simulated. The stress cloud images of the two models were recorded and compared respectively. The stress distribution curve and displacement cloud diagram of the upper part of the acetabular. Results: the acetabular cover developed by us has obtained a new patent. From the stress cloud diagram and the stress distribution curve of the upper part of the acetabular, the stress of the two groups of models are concentrated in the upper part of the acetabular under load. But the distribution was not completely consistent. The normal model stress was concentrated on the upper part of the acetabular plane and the maximum value was 903E 07 Pascal. The experimental model stress was mainly concentrated on the acetabular cover. The maximum value was 476E09.The stress distribution and stress value of the femoral head of the two groups were similar. The displacement cloud image of the normal model increased from the pubic symphysis to the ischium and iliac crest, and the maximum displacement was 2.64 um. at the ischium nodule. The minimum displacement was 2.1 Oum. in the pubic symphysis, the displacement of the experimental model also increased from the pubic symphysis to the ischium and iliac crest, and the maximum displacement was 1.70 um. the maximum displacement was at the ischial tubercle. The minimum displacement was 1.60 um.Conclusion the stress and displacement clouds of the acetabular cover and bone graft model in the 1: 1 acetabular cover model and the normal acetabular model are approximately similar to those in the acetabular cover plus bone graft model, and the acetabular cover can carry more load. It may be beneficial to the fusion of bone grafts and bone grafts.


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