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发布时间:2018-02-28 00:06

  本文关键词: 外科手消毒 不同时间节点 带菌监测 出处:《基因组学与应用生物学》2017年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:比较外科手消毒前免刷手与刷手两种方法对术中不同时间节点手部带菌情况的影响。选取在本院工作的手术室医务人员共96名,使用计算机产生随机数字表将研究对象随机分配为无刷手组和刷手组各48名,无刷手组研究对象在洗手时不刷手,刷手组研究对象正常刷手,比较免刷手和刷手洗手法在使用同种消毒液后及术中不同时间节点的手不消毒效果、手部皮肤菌落种类和医务人员对于手部皮肤的评价。经研究发现,无刷手组和刷手组研究对象术中不同时间节点手部存活菌落数比较无显著统计学差异(p0.05)。两组各时间节点手部皮肤均有细菌检出,主要以凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌、棒状杆菌为主,肠球菌次之,两组比较无显著统计学差异(p0.05)。无刷手组对于手部皮肤的评价要明显高于刷手组(p0.05),差异有统计学意义。外科手消毒时,免刷手能够达到与常规刷手法同样的消毒效果,消毒时效能维持3 h以上,减免刷手步骤,操作简单且使用方便,对手部皮肤刺激较小,可在临床广泛推广使用。
[Abstract]:To compare the influence of the two methods of no-brush hand and brushing hand before disinfecting the surgical hand on the bacterial infection of the hands at different time points during the operation. 96 medical staff in the operating room were selected to work in our hospital. The subjects of the study were randomly assigned to the brushless hands group and the brushless hand group, respectively. The subjects in the brushless hand group did not brush their hands while washing their hands, and the subjects in the brushless hand group did not brush their hands normally. The effects of hand disinfecting with brushless hand and brush hand wash were compared after the use of the same disinfectant and at different time points during the operation, the types of skin colonies of the hand and the evaluation of the hand skin by the medical staff. There was no significant difference in the number of viable colonies of the hand at different time points during operation between the brushless hand group and the brushless hand group. Bacteria were detected in the skin of the hand at each time point in the two groups, mainly coagulase negative staphylococci and corynebacterium. Enterococcus followed, there was no significant statistical difference between the two groups. The evaluation of the hands skin in the brushless hand group was significantly higher than that in the brushing hand group, and the difference was statistically significant. The brushless hand can achieve the same disinfection effect as the conventional brush manipulation. The disinfection effect can be maintained for more than 3 hours, the operation is simple and easy to use, and it can be widely used in clinical practice.
【作者单位】: 泰山医学院附属莱芜医院手术室;泰山医学院附属莱芜医院普外科;


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