发布时间:2018-03-01 05:33
本文关键词: 膝骨关节炎 高迁移率族蛋白B- 关节滑液 严重程度 出处:《重庆医科大学学报》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:目的:探讨膝骨关节炎(knee osteoarthritis,KOA)患者关节液和血清中高迁移率族蛋白B-1(high mobility group box B1,HMGB1)的水平与骨关节炎严重程度的相关性。方法:选取72名住院接受关节镜或全膝关节置换手术的KOA患者为实验组和20例因半月板或韧带损伤患者为对照组(行关节镜检查后排除软骨损伤),膝关节病变程度采用X线Kellgren-Lawrence(K-L)分级评估,骨关节炎的症状学采用西安大略和麦马斯特大学骨关节炎指数(Western OntarioMc Master University Osteoarthritis Index,WOMAC)评分。采用双抗夹心酶联免疫吸附法(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)检测血清和关节液中HMGB1的浓度。比较2组之间和不同K-L分级患者之间血清和关节液HMGB1水平。用Spearman秩相关分析KOA患者血清和关节液HMGB1水平与K-L分级、WOMAC评分的相关性。结果:KOA患者关节液HMGB1水平高于对照组(t=12.171,P=0.000);KOA患者血清HMGB1水平与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(t=0.247,P=0.620);KOA患者关节液和血清HMGB1水平无相关性(r=0.021,P=0.863);KOA患者关节液HMGB1的水平与WOMAC总分以及各个亚评分(疼痛、僵硬和功能评分)呈正相关,与X线K-L分级呈正相关;血清HMGB1的水平与WOMAC总分和各个亚评分(疼痛、僵硬和功能评分)及X线K-L分级无统计学相关性。结论:KOA患者关节液HMGB1可能成为一种潜在的评估KOA症状严重程度的生物标志物。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the relationship between the high mobility group protein B-1high mobility group box B1HMGB1 and the severity of osteoarthritis in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Methods: 72 patients with knee osteoarthritis underwent arthroscopy or total knee arthroscopy. The patients with KOA undergoing replacement operation were treated with experimental group and 20 patients with meniscus or ligament injury as control group. The degree of knee joint lesion was evaluated by X-ray Kellgren Lawrenceen K-Ln, and cartilage injury was excluded after arthroscopy. The symptom of osteoarthritis was assessed by Western OntarioMc Master University Osteoarthritis Index (WMA). The serum and joint fluid (HMGB1) were detected by double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayamcine-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa). The HMGB1 levels in serum and joint fluid were compared between the two groups. Serum and articular fluid (HMGB1) levels in patients with different K-L grades were analyzed by Spearman rank correlation. Results the serum and joint fluid HMGB1 levels in patients with KOA were higher than those in control group (P < 12.171). There was no significant difference between the serum HMGB1 level of the patients and the control group. There was no correlation between the level of HMGB1 in the articular fluid and the serum HMGB1 levels in the patients with Kota and in the control group. There was no correlation between the level of HMGB1 in the articular fluid of the patients and the total score of WOMAC and the subscore (pain) in the joint fluid of the patients. The level of serum HMGB1 was positively correlated with the total score of WOMAC and the subscale of WOMAC. Conclusion HMGB1 may be a potential biomarker for evaluating the severity of KOA symptoms.
【作者单位】: 宜宾市第一人民医院骨二科;
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