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发布时间:2018-03-03 00:08

  本文选题:低能量1064m的Q开关Nd:YAG激光 切入点:激光术后色素沉着 出处:《安徽医科大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目的:探讨低能量1064nm的Q开关Nd:YAG激光对于532nm激光术后产生的炎症后色素沉着的治疗作用及其安全性方法:在中国台湾北部地区的两间皮肤医学美容诊所,收集一年内治疗因532nm波长的Q开关Nd:YAG激光术后产生的炎症后色素沉着病息治疗组与对照组各200例。治疗组中炎症后色素沈着病患单独应用低能量设置1064nm波长的Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗;对照组则使用三合一美白药膏治疗,分别于治疗结束第一个月、第二个月、第三个月后评估临床疗效及患者的满意度。结果:治疗组患者中治疗结束第一个月的统计显示,4.00%的患者是显效、24.00%的患者被评为好转、72.00%的患者是无效;第二个月的统计显示,9.00%的患者被评为痊愈、32.00%的患者是显效、30.00%的患者有好转、29.00%患者是无效;第三个月的统计显示,18.00%的患者被评为痊愈、58.00%的患者为显效、24%的患者有好转。而对照组患者中治疗结束第一个月的统计显示,2.00%的患者是显效、19.00%的患者被评为好转、79.00%的患者是无效;第二个月的统计显示,3.00%的患者被评为痊愈、17.00%的患者是显效、23.00%的患者有好转、57.00%患者是无娩第三个月的统计显示,6.00%的患者被评为痊愈、29.00%的患者为显效、50.00%的患者有好转、无效的患者有15.00%。治疗组患者的痊愈率和有效率分别为18%和76%,而对照组的痊愈率和有效率分别为6%和35%。患者的满意度调查显示,治疗组患者中治疗结束第一个月,不满意占74%、满意占22.5%、非常满意占3.5%;治疗结束第二个月时,不满意占46%、满意占44%、非常满意占10%;治疗结束第三个月时,不满意占6%、满意占65.5%、非常满意占28.5%。对照组患者中治疗结束第一个月,非常不满意占8.5%,不满意占72.5%、满意占19%治疗结束第二个月时,非常不满意占4.5%不满意占59%、满意占31.5%、非常满意占5%;治疗结束第三个月时,非常不满意占10%,不满意占48%、满意占34%、非常满意占8%。结论:使用低能量设置1064nm波长的Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗的炎症后色素沉着患者,在治疗结束第一个月、第二个月、第三个月时临床疗效呈现有效。在治疗第三个月后治疗组有76%的人有明显效果,对照组有35%的人有明显效果,而且激光治疗优于擦药。对于炎症后色素沉着患者,治疗上不论激光或是药物治疗都有疗效,临床上可以优先选择激光治疗,药物治疗次之。但建议不论激光或是药物治疗,都必须接受三个月以上的疗程。Efficacy of low fluence 1064-nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in the treatment of 532-nm laser induced postinflammatory
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the therapeutic effect and safety of low-energy 1064nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser on postinflammatory pigmentation after 532 nm laser: two skin medical beauty clinics in the northern part of Taiwan, China. Two hundred cases of post-inflammatory pigmentation caused by 532 nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser were collected in each group and 200 cases in control group. In the treatment group, patients with post-inflammatory pigmentation were treated with low-energy Q of 1064nm wavelength alone. Switch Nd:YAG laser therapy; The control group was treated with tri-in-one whitening ointment at the end of the first month and the second month, respectively. Results: in the first month after treatment, 4.00% of the patients were significantly effective and 24.00% of the patients were evaluated for improvement and 72.00% of the patients were not effective. The statistics of the second month showed that 9.00% of the patients were assessed as cured 32.00% of the patients were significantly effective 30.00% of the patients had improved and 29.00% of the patients were ineffective; The statistics of the third month showed that 18.00% of the patients were evaluated as cured and 58.00% of the patients were significantly improved, while in the control group, the first month of treatment showed that 2.00% of the patients were significantly effective and 19.00% of the patients were rated as improved 79.00% of the patients were ineffective. Statistics for the second month showed that 3.00% of the patients were rated as cured 17.00% of the patients were significantly improved, 57.00% of the patients had improved and 57.00% of the patients had no delivery. Statistics for the third month showed that 6.00% of the patients were rated as cured 29.00% of the patients were marked effective and 50.00% of the patients had improved. The cure rate and effective rate of the treatment group were 18% and 76, respectively, while the cure rate and the effective rate of the control group were 6% and 35, respectively. The survey of patients' satisfaction showed that the first month of treatment ended in the treatment group. Discontentment accounted for 74, satisfaction accounted for 22.5, and very satisfactory was 3.5. At the end of the second month of treatment, dissatisfied accounted for 46 percent, satisfaction for 44, and satisfaction for 10; and at the end of the third month of treatment, In the control group, the first month of treatment was completed, the first month of treatment was very unsatisfactory, the proportion of very dissatisfied was 8.5, dissatisfied accounted for 72.5 percent, and satisfaction accounted for 19% at the end of the second month of treatment. Very dissatisfied (4.5%) dissatisfied (59x), satisfied (31.5), very satisfied (55.00); at the end of the third month of treatment, Very unsatisfactory accounts for 10%, dissatisfied for 48%, satisfaction for 34%, satisfaction for 8%. Conclusion: patients with post-inflammatory pigmentation treated with low-energy Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1064nm wavelength, in the first month, the second month after the end of the treatment, After the third month of treatment, 76% of the patients in the treatment group and 35% in the control group had obvious effects, and laser treatment was better than rubbed medicine. For patients with postinflammatory pigmentation, Both laser and drug therapy are effective in treatment. Laser therapy is the first choice in clinical practice, followed by drug therapy. However, it is recommended that no matter laser or drug therapy, Must undergo more than three months of treatment. Laser of low fluence 1064-nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in the treatment of 532-nm laser induced postinflammatory


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