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发布时间:2018-03-08 02:21

  本文选题:TCP颗粒 切入点:ZnTCP颗粒 出处:《营养学报》2017年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:目的观察磷酸三钙(tricalciumphosphate,TCP)颗粒与锌(zinc,Zn)掺杂TCP(Zn TCP)颗粒对骨细胞MLO-Y4活性和功能影响及Zn对TCP颗粒诱导骨细胞损伤的作用。方法骨细胞MLO-Y4分别与TCP颗粒(0.1 mg/ml)和Zn TCP颗粒(0.1 mg/ml)共培养,应用实时荧光定量PCR和Western blot等方法检测Zn干预后骨细胞硬化蛋白SOST(sclerostin)和牙本质基质蛋白1(dentin matrix protein 1,DMP-1)m RNA水平及蛋白表达的变化,研究Zn对TCP磨损颗粒诱导骨细胞功能损伤的影响;通过Calcein-AM标记、MTT和流式细胞术定量分析Zn对TCP颗粒诱导骨细胞活性和凋亡的影响;利用Western blot方法检测Zn干预后骨细胞Akt、phospho-Akt(p-Akt Ser473)和phospho-Akt(p-Akt Thr308)等蛋白的表达变化,探讨Akt信号分子在Zn对TCP颗粒诱导骨细胞损伤保护中的作用,阐明其分子机理。结果 Zn可明显抑制TCP颗粒诱导的骨细胞功能损伤,阻止骨细胞凋亡;同时Zn干预能显著减弱TCP颗粒诱导的骨细胞Akt蛋白失活,表现为上调p-Aktser473和p-Akt Thr308等蛋白表达(P0.05)。结论 Zn可阻止TCP颗粒诱导的骨细胞损伤,可能与抑制TCP颗粒诱导骨细胞Akt蛋白的失活密切相关。
[Abstract]:Objective to observe the effects of tricalcium phosphate phosphate phosphate (TCP) granules and zincinczinczinczinczinczinczinc-doped TCP(Zn TCP particles on the activity and function of MLO-Y4 in bone cells and the effects of Zn on the injury induced by TCP particles. Methods Bone cells were co-cultured with TCP (0.1 mg / ml) and Zn TCP (0.1 mg / ml), respectively. Real time fluorescence quantitative PCR and Western blot were used to detect the changes of RNA level and protein expression in bone cell sclerosing protein (SOSTL) and dentin matrix protein (1 dentin matrix protein 1mDMP-1) after Zn intervention, and to study the effect of Zn on the damage of bone cell function induced by TCP wear particles. The effects of Zn on the activity and apoptosis of bone cells induced by TCP granules were quantitatively analyzed by Calcein-AM labeling and flow cytometry, and the expression of Aktphospho-Aktna-Akt Ser473 and phospho-Akt(p-Akt Thr308) were detected by Western blot method. To explore the role of Akt signaling molecules in the protection of Zn against bone injury induced by TCP particles and to elucidate its molecular mechanism. Results Zn could significantly inhibit the injury of bone cells induced by TCP particles and prevent the apoptosis of bone cells. At the same time, Zn treatment could significantly attenuate the Akt protein inactivation induced by TCP particles, which was shown by up-regulating the expression of p-Aktser473 and p-Akt Thr308 proteins. Conclusion Zn can prevent the osteocyte injury induced by TCP granules. It may be related to the inhibition of Akt protein inactivation induced by TCP granules.
【作者单位】: 绍兴文理学院医学院;
【基金】:浙江省自然科学基金(No.LY17H060007) 浙江省中医药科学研究基金计划(No.2012ZB161)


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