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发布时间:2018-03-13 19:30

  本文选题:脊髓损伤 切入点:微球 出处:《重庆医科大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the effect of Nutlin-3a-PLGA microspheres on motor function recovery after spinal cord injury in rats. Methods: Nutlin-3a-PLGA microspheres were prepared by single emulsification. Normal saline microspheres treatment group and Nutlin-3a-PLGA microsphere treatment group, each group, 12 rats, and T10 spinal cord right half transection injury, another 3 rats were taken for normal chromocystin staining. The simple injury group only right half spinal cord transection injury without treatment, The saline microspheres group was treated with Nutlin-3a-PLGA microspheres after operation, and the Nutlin-3a-PLGA microspheres were treated with Nutlin-3a-PLGA microspheres. Catwalk gait analysis was performed at 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 weeks postoperatively. The normal step order ratio, standing time, and the average strength of footprints were analyzed. Results: the changes of motor function in rats were evaluated by 5 time and space parameters of the distance between the feet of the two posterior claws and the relative footprint distance. Results: Nutlin-3a-PLGA microsphere treatment group was compared with the simple injury group and the saline microsphere treatment group at 4 weeks after the injury and the chrominated blue staining was compared with that in the Nutlin-3a-PLGA microsphere treatment group. Color showed that demyelinating lesions were mild. Compared with before operation, there were significant differences in Catwalk gait analysis between simple injury group and saline microsphere treatment group 2 weeks after operation. There were significant differences in normal step ratio, distance between two posterior claws and feet, left, left, and so on in Nutlin-3a-PLGA microsphere treatment group. The difference of right relative footprint distance is statistically significant. There was no significant difference in the standing time of left hind limb and the average strength of forefoot imprint. Compared with the simple injury group and the saline microsphere treatment group, the standing time of left hind limb and the average strength of forefoot imprint decreased in the Nutlin-3a-PLGA microsphere treatment group 2 weeks after injury. The normal step sequence ratio increased, the distance between the two paws and feet decreased, and the distance between left and right foot marks decreased significantly 4 weeks after injury. Conclusion the local action of the microspheres at 1: Nutlin-3a-PLGA can promote the recovery of motor function in rats with spinal cord hemitranverse injury. It may promote the regeneration of injured segmental axons.


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