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发布时间:2018-03-24 09:19

  本文选题:胸椎间盘突出症 切入点:椎管减压 出处:《中国脊柱脊髓杂志》2016年10期

[Abstract]:Objective: To observe the curative effect of posterior lateral decompression and interbody fusion and internal fixation for the treatment of thoracic disc herniation. Methods: January 2009 ~2015 year in August 47 cases of single segmental thoracic disc herniation, spinal canal decompression and interbody fusion and internal fixation, the posterior lateral group 26 cases of anterolateral group 21 cases. The two groups of patients with age, preoperative gender distribution, duration, prominent lesion segment type, spinal cord compression, clinical manifestation, follow-up time were not statistically significant (P0.05). The record of two kinds of surgical operation time, intraoperative blood loss and surgical complications.; preoperative and postoperative 3D, 6 months with visual analogue scale (VAS) assessment of pain; 6 months after surgery using Otani classification to assess its clinical curative effect, using modified thoracic spinal cord nerve function JOA score of nerve function and Frankel neural functional recovery evaluation. The imaging conditions, measurement of sagittal diameter of spinal canal decompression rate of residual evaluation, CT scan reconstruction assessment of interbody fusion, dynamic radiographic assessment of fixation. Results: the operative time through posterolateral approach group, intraoperative blood loss, incision length and length of time were better than the anterolateral group, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). Anterolateral group postoperative pleural effusion in 4 cases, 4 cases of pneumonia, 2 cases of cerebrospinal fluid leakage, 5 cases of intestinal paralysis, through posterolateral approach group after surgery without the complications, incidence of complications in the two groups the difference was statistically significant (P0.05) at 6 months after surgery, two groups of Otani grade excellent rate showed no significant difference (P0.05). 3D after operation through posterolateral approach group VAS score than the anterolateral group, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). Pain for 6 months of the two groups of patients after operation, neurological function and spinal canal volume were effective compared with Improved significantly, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). 6 months after surgery, two groups of VAS score, JOA score, Frankel classification of nerve function and sagittal diameter of spinal canal residual rate were no statistically significant difference (P0.05), CT three-dimensional reconstruction showed that the two groups of intervertebral fusion rate was 100%, the difference was statistically the significance (P0.05); dynamic X-ray spinal continuity and stability, no screw breakage and loosening of the phenomenon, no obvious loss of intervertebral height, intervertebral cage without sagging and shift. Conclusion: the recent effect of posterolateral decompression and interbody fusion and internal fixation for the treatment of thoracic disc herniation.

【作者单位】: 宁夏医科大学总医院脊柱骨科;宁夏医科大学研究生院;美国南佛罗里达大学药学院;


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