发布时间:2018-03-29 06:42
本文选题:膝关节脱位 切入点:后内侧结构 出处:《中国修复重建外科杂志》2017年05期
【摘要】:目的综述膝关节脱位(knee dislocation,KD)后内侧结构及后外侧角损伤分期分型及诊治的研究进展,以期为临床工作提供指导。方法广泛查阅近年国内外相关KD后内侧结构及后外侧角的分期分型及诊断、治疗文献,并进行总结。结果目前临床KD分型标准主要有根据受伤能量大小分型、Kennedy分型、改良Schenck分型,但均不完善;未对KD中的多发韧带损伤进行分期、分型,也未针对不同损伤分型提出规范治疗方案。而KD多发韧带损伤华西分期分型(Hua Xi Knee Dislocation and Multiple Ligament Injury,HX-KDMLI)诊断及规范化治疗体系对后内侧结构及后外侧角损伤进行分期、分型,并提出针对性治疗方案。结论目前关于KD后内侧结构、后外侧角损伤的分期分型诊断与治疗仍无统一意见,HX-KDMLI体系对以上两方面进行了系统描述,对KD的诊治具有一定参考价值。
[Abstract]:Objective to review the research progress in the classification, diagnosis and treatment of posterior medial structure and posterolateral horn injury of knee dislocation (KD). Methods the classification and diagnosis of the posterior medial structure and the posterolateral horn of KD in recent years were reviewed extensively. Results at present, the clinical KD classification criteria mainly include Kennedy classification according to the size of injured energy, modified Schenck classification, but not perfect, the multiple ligament injury in KD was not divided into stages and types. However, the diagnosis and standardized treatment system of Knee Dislocation and Multiple Ligament injury HX-KDMLII were used to stage and type the injuries of the posterior medial structure and the posterolateral horn. Conclusion at present, there is no unified opinion on the diagnosis and treatment of the posterior medial structure of KD and the classification and treatment of posterolateral horn injury. The HX-KDMLI system describes the above two aspects systematically and has some reference value for the diagnosis and treatment of KD.
【作者单位】: 四川大学华西医院骨科;
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