本文选题:数据清洗 切入点:临床输血数据库 出处:《中国人民解放军医学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study was to explore the method of rapid cleaning of clinical blood transfusion database, and the use of effective data cleaning after the study of data mining, summarizes the status quo analysis of blood transfusion on patients with hip surgery, allogeneic red blood cells demand Chi established hip replacement patients can model, explore the blood conservation strategy, promote the establishment of individual. With the development of blood transfusion treatment fine. Methods 1, through the study of the theory of data cleansing, data exploration and scientific methods for cleaning, according to different stages of the cleaning process, the design of data cleaning process, the combination of computer technology and artificial means of correction, the use of "screening", "diagnosis", "Edit" method according to the different "problem" data are processed, and through big data analysis on the learning process, cleaning the data needed to pass the type type, and all In order to analyze the content of the data,.2 based data mining and data cleaning, using hip surgery by clinical blood transfusion database of patients were analyzed retrospectively in our hospital from 1999 -2015 in 4250 cases, including patients with complete medical information data, statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. The comparison between allogeneic red blood cells the difference of the lost note, in recent years of blood for clinical use are described in.3, screening between 2000 -2015 cases in our hospital patients complete a total of 1064 cases, data cleaning, summary, complete access to patient information data. Through the literature note factors associated with hip replacement allogeneic red blood cell transfusion, using multiple regression model and machine learning method of.4 model of hip replacement allogeneic red blood cell demand, by the same team Department of orthopedics from January 2013 -2015 year in June in our hospital implementation of hand 181 cases of patients, divided into TXA group of 88 cases, 93 cases in control group were compared before and after the operation of Hb, with the decrease of Hb, allogenic blood transfusion volume, blood loss, the difference between the drainage index. Results 1, to "screen" in accordance with the data flow chart of clinical transfusion database cleaning the extracted data, "diagnosis", "Edit", each of the cases including basic information, patient information, vital signs, preoperative and postoperative laboratory examination information, a list of 99 items of information, information of blood transfusion, which includes information on characters, digital and other data types. After all the valid data. Can the demand according to different data mining research, the transfer of required cases and related data of.24250 cases were hip surgery cases, the proportion of patients had blood transfusion was 55.72%, the average amount of infusion of allogeneic red blood cells was 3.17 + 1.27 units; The average hospitalization days decreased year by year; the annual rate of blood transfusion is about 40%-70%; allogeneic red blood cell transfusion in surgery after 2006 was maintained at about 4 units, and the units are applications in 2009, the average of less than 3 units; single / double hip surgery perioperative allogeneic red blood cell average the infusion amount in 2009/2010 reached the maximum after.3 were decreased year by year, from 2000 -2015 years in our hospital surgery, 1064 cases after cleaning with a complete record, select the independent influencing factors of allogeneic red blood cell transfusion into the model, the multivariate linear regression, neural network, GBDT modeling method of artificial intelligence the GBDT is most suitable for blood transfusion in the prediction model of.4 patients before Hb (P=0.850), blood volume (P=0.072), drainage (P=0.214), the average amount of allogeneic red blood cells (P=0.091) and other indicators in the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant; after Hb Hb, intraoperative decreased degree of difference between the two groups were statistically significant. Conclusion the use of computer technology and data learning process and methods of cleaning of clinical blood transfusion database is effective for blood transfusion; prediction model, using the GBDT method is effective; low dose can reduce the operating losses of Hb use of TXA drugs but can not improve the amount of blood transfusion, blood as a means of protection, may require higher doses of TXA to reduce patient dependence on allogeneic red blood cells.
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