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发布时间:2018-04-04 04:40

  本文选题:痛风 切入点:痛风石 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective the incidence of gout is increasing gradually.However, the management and treatment of gout are not satisfactory due to the lack of basic knowledge of gout patients and some doctors.As gout develops into gout, it can seriously affect appearance and joint dysfunction, which must be considered for surgical treatment.The surgical methods and diagnosis and treatment of limb gout stone in our hospital were analyzed retrospectively. The surgical excision technique and clinical treatment experience of limb gout stone were discussed and the experience of diagnosis and treatment was summarized.Methods from February 2012 to December 2015, 95 patients with limb gout stone were treated in our department, including 95 male patients and 2 female patients, aged from 15 to 82 years (mean 51 years).All patients received surgical treatment during the interictal period.The mean uric acid value was 565 渭 mol / L and the mean size of gout stone was 4cm 脳 3 cm.The patient's ability to bear surgery was carefully evaluated before operation, and the amount of blood loss was estimated according to previous surgical experience.According to the characteristics of gout stone, different operative methods were selected during the operation. If joint destruction was found, arthroplasty was the first choice, and if joint destruction was serious and occurred in lower extremities, arthrodesis was feasible.A total of 7 patients had skin defects, ranging from 1cm 脳 1cm to 4cm 脳 3 cm after removal of gout stones. Among them, 3 patients with skin defects with tendon exposure underwent skin flap repair, and 4 patients were treated with delayed healing by changing dressing.Results six patients with delayed wound healing underwent amputation (finger / toe) operation due to irreparable infection, including 1 middle finger, 2 toe, 1 left small finger and 2 right little finger.The average hospitalization time of patients with gout failure before operation was 13.1 days longer than that of patients without rupture before operation (mean hospitalization time was 7.8 days).The mean value of serum uric acid was 484 渭 mol/L, which was significantly lower than that before operation.A total of 72 patients were followed up, the follow-up rate was 76. The follow-up time was 1 year, 2 months to 5 years. All the patients were satisfied with the appearance of extremities, the range of motion of the involved joints of the upper extremities was obviously improved, the lower extremities had no pain in bearing joint, and there were no cases of recurrence in situ.Conclusion resection of gout stone can not only reduce the total load of uric acid, reduce the frequency of gouty arthritis, but also improve the limb shape and joint function.Therefore, patients with limb gout should receive surgical treatment as soon as their joints are involved.


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