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发布时间:2018-04-04 09:52

  本文选题:全髋关节置换术 切入点:引流 出处:《华北理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The purpose of total hip arthroplasty (THA) in clinical application is more and more common, has become the first choice for treatment of [1]. in end-stage hip disease, in order to reduce the effusion, hematoma and infection prevention, drainage system is widely used in total hip arthroplasty. The study by comparing the primary total hip arthroplasty postoperative drainage tube complications in reducing postoperative actual clinical effect to improve the health quality of the patients, and to explore the feasibility and safety of existing in the total hip arthroplasty postoperative drainage tube system, provide reasonable suggestions for proper treatment of postoperative wound. Methods of screening the second hospital of Tangshan from April 2014 to December 2015 two joint primary unilateral total hip arthroplasty with the test cases for a total of 52 hips were randomly divided into drainage group and non drainage group with 26 cases in each group. To observe and compare the three item index system including surgery: 1 Before and after the hemoglobin, total perioperative blood loss, serum protein, red blood cells decreased value of objective test content than the product; 2 complications indications such as wound exudate, hematoma, infection, lower extremity deep vein thrombosis and other clinical indicators; 3 other indicators include the number of blood transfusion, hospitalization expenses (removal expenses, postoperative prosthesis) 48h scores (Hamilton anxiety scale, HAMA) after discharge in 3,6,12 months follow-up Charnley hip score, were analyzed statistically, wound drainage actual clinical efficacy and safety of the objective evaluation after total hip replacement. The 1 is found by comparing the drainage group serum protein, red blood cell decline in value and the number of blood transfusion were significantly higher than in non drainage group than the product after the operation, complications of overall drainage group incidence was higher than that of non drainage group and non drainage group hospitalization costs less than the drainage group, compared two groups of patients 1 years after the Charnley hip score was discharged 3 months to improve greatly, the drainage group anxiety score was significantly higher than the growth in non drainage group, these indexes were statistically significant (P0.05.2) after total hip arthroplasty and wound drainage related complications such as wound exudate, hematoma. Statistics and double infection of lower extremity deep venous thrombosis incidence, drainage group, individual index is high, but no significant difference between the groups. The drainage group and non drainage group in total blood loss and postoperative hemoglobin 48h no trait differences, after three times of follow-up (3,6,12 months) between the two groups of Charnley score difference no significant, no statistical significance (P0.05). Conclusion in the wound after total hip arthroplasty can reduce the postoperative complications of the drainage tube, instead of increased bleeding tendency, blood transfusion rate and total hospitalization expenses, patients induced negative emotions; The placement of drainage tube will not significantly promote the rehabilitation exercises and hip function recovery of patients. After initial total hip arthroplasty, the wound drainage tube is of little significance, and the wound needs further treatment.



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