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发布时间:2018-04-05 16:39

  本文选题:皮肤扩张术 切入点:扩张器 出处:《广西医科大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的:探究不同扩张容量、扩张器个数、扩张部位与扩张器埋置术后并发症发生率的关系,进一步分析其影响因素并探讨预防及处理方法,以期指导临床。方法:对我科2011年~2012年间所行的144例皮肤软组织扩张器置入术病例进行回顾性分析。所有资料采用SPSS 16.0软件统计分析,多样本率的整体比较根据单元格理论频数情况采用列联表Fisher确切概率法或卡方检验,两两比较采用卡方分割法,若所有单元格T5采用四格表卡方检验,反之则用四格表Fisher确切概率法检验。结果:本组共计144例患者,201个扩张器,出现并发症的31例,占15.42%;扩张器植入后不同并发症的发生率中,血肿、感染、扩张器外露、切口裂开分别占并发症总数的45.20%、29%、22.6%、3.2%,经统计学分析后得出血肿发生风险较切口裂开高(P0.01);扩张器埋置不同部位并发症发生率中,面部(22.22%)与颈部(37.5%)并发症发生率高(P0.01);单次置入扩张器个数的不同及不同扩张器容积与扩张器并发症发生率相关性无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:扩张器术后并发症以血肿多;不同部位皮肤软组织扩张器埋置术并发症发生率不同,以面颈部发生率较高;单次置入扩张器个数的不同及扩张器不同容积对并发症的出现没有影响。针对上述并发症影响因素,术中做好相应的预防措施,或可减少并发症的发生。
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the relationship between different dilatation volume, number of dilators and the incidence of complications after dilatator implantation, and to further analyze the influencing factors and explore the prevention and treatment methods to guide clinical practice.Methods: 144 cases of skin and soft tissue dilatation were retrospectively analyzed in our department from 2011 to 2012.All the data were analyzed by SPSS 16.0 software. The whole comparison of multi-sample rate was carried out by Fisher exact probability method or chi-square test according to the cell theoretical frequency, and the chi-square method was used in pairwise comparison.If all the cells T5 are tested by the four-lattice table chi-square test, then the four-grid table Fisher exact probability method is used to test them.Results: a total of 144 patients, 201 dilators, 31 patients with complications (15.42%), hematoma, infection, dilator exposure, the incidence of different complications after the dilator implantation,Incision dehiscence accounted for 45.20% of the total number of complications. After statistical analysis, the risk of hematoma was higher than that of incision rupture (P 0.01).The incidence of complications was high (P 0.01) and the correlation between the volume of dilator and the incidence of complications was not statistically significant.Conclusion: hematoma is the most complication after dilator, and the incidence of complications is different in different parts of skin and soft tissue expander, especially in face and neck.The number of dilators and the volume of dilators had no effect on the occurrence of complications.According to the influencing factors of the above complications, the prevention measures should be taken during the operation, which may reduce the occurrence of the complications.


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