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发布时间:2018-04-07 16:20

  本文选题:冠状动脉旁路移植术 切入点:尼卡地平注射液 出处:《河北医科大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: coronary artery bypass grafting is one of the most reliable means now in the treatment of coronary heart disease, the main source of vein grafts at this stage is of great saphenous vein, but the ten year patency rate of great saphenous vein artery is far below the bridge, only about 50%-70%, therefore, improve the patency rate of the saphenous vein during operation is very important. In the process of the great saphenous vein in vitro preservation is an important link of coronary artery bypass grafting, but also affect the postoperative patency as well as an important aspect of, if can provide a kind of vein graft vascular endothelial cells injury for clinical work, the vasorelaxing effect of the preservation solution, will greatly improve the long-term patency rate of nearly the vein grafts of coronary artery bypass grafting, and promote the further development of bypass surgery. Nicardipine injection for two dihydropyridine Ca~ (2+) channel blocker, which belongs to the second generation of calcium antagonists It has, the inhibition of Ca~ (2+) in the flow, thereby inhibiting phosphodiesterase cAMP induced cAMP rise, expansion of blood vessels strong role, especially on coronary artery and cerebrovascular function obviously. Its stability, curative effect. The experimental study on protective effect of nicardipine injection on rabbit vein and compared with the clinical commonly used papaverine, to provide the theory basis for the clinical as preservation of vein grafts in coronary artery bypass grafting. Methods: 1 rabbits were first grouped, 30 rabbits were randomly divided into three groups, 10 rats in each group: blank group, saline control group and heparin; heparin. Papaverine and saline; experimental group: heparin, nicardipine injection and normal saline. Then on the establishment of animal models, the rabbit jugular vein 4-5cm from rabbits in each group were taken from the jugular vein into the corresponding protective liquid for 30 minutes, will Remove the external jugular vein was divided into A, B two, A section for electron microscopy and light microscopy in comparison to.B, consistent with the common carotid artery, anastomosis after feeding, 1 months after the interception of vascular bridge in middle part of the forward light microscopic examination and determination of TXA2 content. The data of the.2 preservation solution for statistical data analysis using statistical software SPSS13.0 using ELISA method. The data was evaluated using the test of normality and homogeneity of variance test. If the data to conform to normal distribution, and variance, namely the use of group t test to analyze the two groups have no significant difference and difference. If the line is but the state variance not neat, with degrees of freedom correction after t test between two groups had no statistically significant difference and difference. If the normality and homogeneity of variance, non parametric test. If P0.05, believes that the difference has statistical significance. Results: 1 Experimental Study: 1) the recent index by optical microscope showed that vascular endothelial cell coverage score respectively: blank group 1.775 + 0.321, 1.750 + 0.353 in control group, experimental group 2.150 + 0.428 points. The first three sets of data normality test, accord with the normal distribution to each other homogeneity of variance test and t test, the results are as follows: the differences between the two groups and the control group had no statistical significance (P0.05), the experimental group and the control group was statistically significant (P0.05), there was statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the control group (P0.05). The experimental results show that the light microscope detection, nicardipine group blood vessels endothelial coverage rate is higher than the papaverine group and heparin group, and there was statistical significance, papaverine group vascular endothelial coverage and the heparin group showed no significant difference.2) showed that the experimental group by electron microscopy: endothelial cells were seen as a little off, Wild endothelial cells under rare vacuoles and edema, endothelial cells are mostly intact organelles, rare anomalies, basement membrane continuity and closely connected with the surrounding cells. Control group: specimens of rare endothelial cell loss, from the perspective of some endothelial cells edema, endothelial cells form the basic integrity of basement membrane, poor continuity or not continuously, with the surrounding cells connected closely. In the blank group: the structure of vascular endothelial cells were severely damaged, can not see the complete discontinuity of endothelial cells, basement membrane.3) were stored testing results of TXA2 content of the liquid ELISA method: the content of TXA2 in experimental group: 48.434 + 12.161pg/ml, 60.207 + 10.346pg/ml, the control group: blank group 12.272pg/ml.: 60.457 + three group data first normality test, accord with the normal distribution and mutual homogeneity of variance test and t test results: differences in control group and blank group had no statistical significance (P 0.05), the experimental group and the control group was statistically significant (P0.05), there was statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the control group (P0.05). The results showed that nicardipine group TXA2 was lower than that of papaverine group and heparin group, and there was statistical significance, TXA2 content of papaverine group and heparin group showed no significant difference.2 test index: long-term research through the optical microscope showed that vascular endothelial cell coverage score respectively: blank group 1.550 + 0.197, 1.600 + 0.316 in control group, experimental group 1.975 + 0.321 points. The first three sets of data normality test, accord with the normal distribution of each other by homogeneity test of variance and t test results: differences in control group and blank group had no statistical significance (P0.05), the experimental group and the control group was statistically significant (P0.05), there was statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the control group (P0.05). The experimental results show that the forward light detection, Nicardipine group vascular endothelial coverage rate is higher than the papaverine group and heparin group, and there was statistical significance, papaverine group vascular endothelial coverage and the heparin group showed no significant difference. Conclusion: 1 nicardipine injection protection than papaverine on rabbit vein endothelial cells have better effect. Mainly in the protection of endothelial cell morphology and endothelial cell coverage.2 nicardipine solution in preservation of the vascular preservation of thromboxane A2 less saved than papaverine.



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