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发布时间:2018-04-07 17:39

  本文选题:骨筋膜室综合征 切入点:VSD 出处:《大连医科大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Osteofascial compartment syndrome occurred after limb trauma in compartment specific limbs within the change, the main characteristics of blood circulation disorder progressive, severe ischemia appears neuromuscular symptoms, even necrosis is seen most frequently in the palmar side of the forearm and lower leg. Early diagnosis of compartment syndrome and timely treatment is particularly important, because the nerve muscle tissue ischemia and hypoxia immediately after a certain period of time will appear necrosis and irreversible damage. Not only seriously affected limb function, and can lead to amputation, endangering the lives of patients, so once the diagnosis should immediately open decompression.1994, VSD vacuum sealing drainage technology is introduced, in the field of surgery, this technology has been widely applied in.VSD negative pressure drainage advantage: compartment syndrome reduce tension after the incision can be treated effectively, avoid the traditional decompression after frequent Dressing, reduce the incidence of postoperative complications. However, there are still VSD negative pressure drainage improve limb ischemia is relatively slow and the risk of complications, disease duration, hospitalization days, problems of the economic burden of the patients weight. Objective: This study of osteofascial compartment syndrome in patients with VSD after operation method traditional Chinese Medicine combined with hyperbaric oxygen therapy compared with conventional therapy, to evaluate the clinical efficacy of combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, to guide clinical work. Methods: the research object to conform to the standards of the grouping, divided into A normal group, conventional B plus traditional Chinese medicine treatment group and routine C + HBO group, D + + conventional Chinese medicine hyperbaric oxygen combined treatment group.A group were given conventional osteofascial compartment syndrome in patients with VSD after swelling, prevention of venous thrombosis, regular dressing to prevent wound infection and other conventional treatment; B group: conventional + traditional Chinese medicine based on routine treatment in oral administration The medicine (Shentongzhuyu Decoction) adjuvant therapy; conventional C + hyperbaric oxygen group was given conventional treatment plus hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy; D + TCM + hyperbaric oxygen combined with conventional treatment group: treated with the combination therapy of conventional treatment based on Chinese medicine and hyperbaric oxygen HBO. Using the spss19.0 group compared to the conventional the conventional group, and traditional Chinese medicine group, normal + hyperbaric oxygen group, the conventional data + Chinese medicine + hyperbaric oxygen combined treatment group were analyzed to improve the circulation of patients in each group, the incidence of thrombosis, wound infection rate, wound grafting rate on phase II were analyzed. Results: improve the circulation effect of A patients in the conventional group the total efficiency of 80%, thrombosis rate was 3.2%, 52% good granulation tissue without infection, wound skin grafting feasible II 48%; improve the circulation effect of conventional B + Chinese medicine group total effective rate 88%, the probability of thrombosis in 1.6%, infection in 64% no good granulation tissue, feasible Phase II wound skin grafting in 36%; improve the circulation effect of conventional C + hyperbaric oxygen group with total efficiency of 88%, thrombosis rate was 2.4%, 72% good granulation tissue without infection, wound skin grafting feasible II 28%; improve the circulation effect of D plus conventional medicine + hyperbaric oxygen combined with patients in the treatment group the total effective rate was 92%, incidence thrombosis rate was 0.8%, 80% good granulation tissue without infection, wound implantation feasible II routine 20%.D + Chinese medicine + hyperbaric oxygen combined therapy group were significantly better than the conventional A control group, B + Chinese medicine group, conventional C + HBO group, and the difference was statistically significant (PO.05). Conclusion: treatment of 1. Chinese medicine auxiliary osteofascial compartment syndrome patients after VSD can improve blood circulation, reduce the incidence of venous thrombosis, promote tissue repair wound infection.2. using hyperbaric oxygen therapy of osteofascial compartment syndrome patients after VSD therapy can improve blood circulation, promote wound healing To reduce wound infection rate,.3. combined with hyperbaric oxygen therapy after VSD for patients with osteofascial compartment syndrome can eliminate limb swelling and improve blood circulation, reduce incidence of venous thrombosis, promote wound repair and reduce wound infection.



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