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发布时间:2018-04-08 19:40

  本文选题:丹毒 切入点:下肢 出处:《中国全科医学》2017年S2期

【摘要】:目的探讨中西医结合治疗丹毒的临床疗效,为丹毒患者的治疗提供科学指导和理论基础。方法对江桥镇社区卫生服务中心2014—2016年期间收治的140例丹毒患者,随机分为联合治疗组、清热解毒组、止痛消肿组和常规治疗组,每组各35例。联合治疗组以中药外用内服结合青霉素治疗;清热解毒组中药内服结合青霉素治疗;止痛消肿以中药外用结合青霉素治疗;常规治疗组以硫酸镁外敷结合青霉素治疗,并对4组患者的疗效进行比较分析。结果随访半年内,联合治疗组比常规治疗组、清热解毒组和止痛消肿组的复发率低、总有效率高(P0.05)。治疗后5 d,联合治疗组比常规治疗组、止痛消炎组的附近淋巴结数量少、体温低,比常规治疗组、清热解毒组与止痛消肿组的白细胞计数(WBC)低、皮温评分低,比常规治疗组的附近淋巴结压痛评分低(P0.05)。治疗后10 d,联合治疗组比常规治疗组、清热解毒组和止痛消肿组的附近淋巴结数量少,比止痛消肿组的WBC低;联合治疗组、清热解毒组比常规治疗组的WBC低、局部皮温评分低;联合治疗组、清热解毒组比常规治疗组的附近淋巴结压痛评分低,联合治疗组比止痛消肿组的附近淋巴结压痛评分低,止痛消肿组比常规治疗组的附近淋巴结压痛评分低(P0.05)。各组治疗后5 d、10 d比治疗前的附近淋巴结数量少、体温均低、WBC低、局部皮温评分低、附近淋巴结压痛评分低(P0.05)。结论在对丹毒患者进行治疗的过程中,选用中药内服外敷结合青霉素静脉滴注治疗的方式,能收到良好的治疗效果,且治愈时间短,是一种较为理想的治疗方式。对于丹毒临床治疗具有重要意义,值得大力推广。
[Abstract]:Objective to explore the clinical efficacy of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of erysipelas and to provide scientific guidance and theoretical basis for the treatment of erysipelas.Methods 140 cases of erysipelas in Jiangqiao Town Community Health Service Center from 2014-2016 were randomly divided into three groups: combined treatment group, heat-clearing and detoxifying group, analgesic and detumescent group and routine treatment group, with 35 cases in each group.The combined treatment group was treated with external Chinese medicine and penicillin; the heat-clearing and detoxifying group was treated with Chinese medicine combined with penicillin; the pain relief and detumescence was treated with traditional Chinese medicine combined with penicillin; and the routine treatment group was treated with magnesium sulfate combined with penicillin.The curative effects of 4 groups were compared and analyzed.Results within half a year, the recurrence rate of the combined treatment group was lower than that of the routine treatment group, the heat-clearing and detoxifying group and the analgesic and detumescent group, and the total effective rate was higher than that of the conventional treatment group (P 0.05).5 days after treatment, the number of adjacent lymph nodes and hypothermia in the combined treatment group were lower than those in the conventional treatment group and the analgesic and anti-inflammatory group, and the WBCcount was lower and the skin temperature score was lower than that in the conventional treatment group, the heat-clearing and detoxifying group and the analgesic and detumescent group.The tenderness score of adjacent lymph nodes in the routine treatment group was lower than that in the conventional treatment group (P 0.05).At 10 days after treatment, the number of adjacent lymph nodes in the combined treatment group was lower than that in the conventional treatment group, the heat clearing and detoxification group and the analgesic and detumescent group, and the WBC was lower in the combined treatment group than in the conventional treatment group, and the local skin temperature score was lower in the combined treatment group than in the conventional treatment group.In the combined treatment group, the tenderness score of the adjacent lymph nodes in the combined treatment group was lower than that in the conventional treatment group, the tenderness score in the combined treatment group was lower than that in the analgesic and detumescent group, and the tenderness score in the analgesic and detoxifying group was lower than that in the conventional treatment group (P 0.05).Five days after treatment, the number of lymph nodes was less than that before treatment, the body temperature was low and WBC was low, the local skin temperature score was low, and the nearby lymph node tenderness score was lower than that before treatment (P 0.05).Conclusion in the course of treatment of erysipelas patients, it is an ideal treatment way to choose the traditional Chinese medicine internal and external application combined with penicillin intravenous drip to treat the patients with erysipelas, it can get good therapeutic effect, and the cure time is short.The clinical treatment of erysipelas is of great significance and worth popularizing.
【作者单位】: 上海市嘉定区江桥镇社区卫生服务中心;


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