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发布时间:2018-04-13 14:30

  本文选题:移植物血管病 + 移植 ; 参考:《中国比较医学杂志》2017年05期

【摘要】:目的移植物血管病(allograft vasculopathy,AV)限制着移植器官功能及远期存活,是器官移植领域最迫切需要解决的世界性难题。传统的血管缝合方式需要优秀的显微外科技术,开展困难。探索出更为简便、可行的动脉移植方法,可为临床研究AV提供思路。方法采用静脉留置针管自制血管套管,取供体大鼠胸主动脉牵拉入套管并两端翻转、结扎固定为移植体,将该移植体植入受体大鼠腹主动脉并于造模后1周、4周、8周取移植段动脉行HE染色,观测移植血管形态、测量内膜厚度。结果 40只受体大鼠中有38只健康存活达所需检测时间点,下肢及尾巴活动自如、大小便正常,且HE染色可见移植段血管内膜表现为与AV一致的同心圆样增厚。结论此种大鼠动脉移植方法简便可行,较传统血管缝合方法可明显缩短腹主动脉阻断时间、减轻受体大鼠的手术创伤、造模成功率高,可复制性强。
[Abstract]:Objective allograft vasculopathy AVV (allograft vasculopathy AVV) restricts organ function and long-term survival, which is the most urgent problem in the field of organ transplantation.Traditional vascular suture requires excellent microsurgical techniques and is difficult to develop.To explore a more convenient and feasible method of arterial transplantation, which can provide ideas for clinical study of AV.Methods the venous indwelling needle tube was used to make the vascular cannula. The donor thoracic aorta was pulled into the cannula and the two ends were flipped over and ligated and fixed into the graft.The graft was implanted into the abdominal aorta of the recipient rats. The grafts were stained with HE at the end of 4 weeks and 8 weeks after the model. The morphology of the grafts was observed and the thickness of the intima was measured.Results 38 of the 40 recipient rats survived to the required time point, the lower extremities and tails moved freely, the urine and the feces were normal, and HE staining showed that the intima of the grafts showed concentric circular thickening consistent with that of AV.Conclusion this method is simple and feasible. Compared with the traditional vascular suture method, it can significantly shorten the time of abdominal aorta occlusion, alleviate the surgical trauma of the recipient rats, and have a high success rate and high reproducibility.
【作者单位】: 三峡大学第一临床医学院;宜昌市中心人民医院胸心大血管外科三峡大学心血管病研究所;


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