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发布时间:2018-04-14 02:19

  本文选题:甲状腺 + 手术 ; 参考:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: to find out the influencing factors of hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism from the clinical data of patients undergoing thyroid surgery, and to explore how to reduce the incidence of hypothyroidism and hypocalcemia.Methods: 194 cases of thyroid surgery in Henan Cancer Hospital from March 2013 to February 2014 were retrospectively analyzed.The following data were collected: sex, age, operation mode, PTH, preoperative serum calcium, postoperative PTH, postoperative calcium, disease (pathological diagnosis, postoperative hypocalcemia or not).After grouping, SPSS17.0 software was used for statistical analysis.Results there were 158 cases with decreased PTH level after operation, 53 cases with hypoparathyroidism, and 190 cases with decreased serum calcium level after operation, including 146 cases with hypocalcemia.There were 38 patients with hypocalcemia after operation.Statistical analysis showed that almost all patients undergoing thyroid surgery had different levels of PTH, and the serum calcium level was lower than that before operation.The operation mode had an effect on the decrease of PTH and serum calcium. In the operation mode, the rate of PTH was higher after double lobectomy than that of single lobectomy, and the level of serum calcium was lower than that before operation, age, disease type had no effect on the decrease of PTH and serum calcium after operation.Sex seemed to have some effect on the decrease of PTH after operation, but had no effect on the decrease of serum calcium level after operation.The operation mode has influence on the occurrence of hypothyroidism and hypocalcemia after operation. In the operation mode, bilateral lobectomy is more than single lobectomy, postoperative hypoparathyroidism, hypocalcemia is more likely, age, sex,The incidence of hypoparathyroidism and hypocalcemia was not affected by the disease.The decrease of PTH and serum calcium level is universal, it is impossible to predict the spontaneous symptoms of hypocalcemia after operation, nor can it be considered that there is no PTH and the decrease of serum calcium level.The appearance of hypocalcemia may be a reminder of the decrease of PTH level, and whether or not hypocalcemia occurs, the decrease of serum calcium level seems to be common after operation.Hypocalcemia is a reminder of hypoparathyroidism and hypocalcemia.Conclusion 1.The decrease of serum calcium level after thyroid surgery was more common than that before operation, and the probability of the decrease of serum calcium level was higher than that of PTH level.The postoperative PTH, the decrease of serum calcium level and the decrease of parathyroid function and hypocalcemia after operation were affected by the operative method. The larger the scope of operation, the lower the serum calcium level, the lower the function of parathyroid gland after operation.The higher the probability of hypocalcemia, the greater the extent of lymph node dissection.Age group had no effect on PTH, serum calcium, hypothyroidism and hypocalcemia. Sex seemed to have some effect on the decrease of postoperative PTH, but had no effect on the decrease of serum calcium level.At the same time, the incidence of hypocalcemia and parathyroid hypothyroidism was not affected.


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