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发布时间:2018-04-17 15:29

  本文选题:单肺通气 + 支气管堵塞器 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: to compare the clinical effects of bronchial occluder and double lumen bronchial catheter in radical resection of esophageal carcinoma.Methods: sixty patients with esophageal cancer undergoing radical resection of esophageal carcinoma were randomly divided into two groups: bronchial occluder group (BBs group) and double lumen bronchial catheter group (DLT group).After anesthesia induction, the BBs group first inserted a single lumen tracheal catheter through the mouth, and then, under the guidance of fiberbronchoscope, the bronchial occluder was inserted into the corresponding lateral bronchus. The DLT group inserted a double-lumen bronchial catheter through the mouth.The position was then adjusted with a fiberoptic bronchoscope.During and after operation, the following indexes were strictly monitored and recorded.The patients' general condition (sex, age, height, weight, ASA grade, lung collapse side, time of one-lung ventilation) were recorded.Lung atrophy score / 3) Radial artery blood was taken immediately after one-lung ventilation for blood gas analysis. The results of PHPao _ 2 and Paco _ 2H _ CO _ 3-OBE were recorded. The levels of TNF- 伪 IL-8 and TNF- 伪 IL-8 in pulmonary alveolar lavage fluid were detected by Elisa before the end of single lung ventilation). After tracheal extubation, there was hoarseness within 24 hours after tracheal extubation.The incidence of pharyngeal pain and pulmonary complications within 72 hours after operation.The result is 1: 1.There was no significant difference between the two groups in the general condition of the patients, the side of lung collapse, and the time of single lung ventilation (P0.05. 2. 2).The airway resistance in BBs group was significantly lower than that in DLT group (P 0.05), but the lung atrophy in BBs group was significantly longer than that in DLT group. There was no significant difference in pulmonary collapse score between the two groups (P 0.05). 3. Arterial blood at the end of one-lung ventilation in BBs group and DLT group.There was no significant difference in gas results between PHO 2 and Paco 2 (P 0 05. 4).The levels of TNF- 伪 IL-6 and IL-8 in alveolar lavage fluid in BBs group were significantly lower than those in DLT group (both the incidence of postoperative pharynx in P0.05).5.BBs group was significantly lower than that in DLT group (P 0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups in the incidence of hoarseness and pulmonary complications (both P0.05).Conclusion 1.In radical resection of esophageal cancer, the bronchial occluder has the advantages of lower airway resistance, less influence of pulmonary inflammatory factors and lower incidence of pharynx pain after operation compared with double-lumen bronchial catheter.And the former lung collapse time is longer. 2.There was no significant difference between bronchial occluder and double lumen bronchial catheter on arterial blood gas, pulmonary atrophy score, hoarseness after operation and incidence of pulmonary complications.


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