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发布时间:2018-04-23 08:22

  本文选题:超低温冷疗 + 延迟性肌肉酸痛 ; 参考:《中国运动医学杂志》2016年08期

【摘要】:目的:本文主要通过系统的文献检索与筛选,分析归纳超低温冷疗(whole body cryotherapy,WBC)对延迟性肌肉酸痛(delayed onset muscle soreness,DOMS)产生的影响与作用,探讨其可能的生理机制,从而评价WBC在DOMS中的应用效果。方法:依据预先制定的文献检索、筛选、录入、评价方法,进行相关文献的检索和筛选。检索方法:(1)在Pub Med、Web of Science、EBSCO、Embase、Pro Quest外文数据库和中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据库(WANFANG DATA)等中文数据库中以关键词的检索方式检索WBC对DOMS干预应用的研究文献。(2)对相关文献的参考文献目录进行阅读和二次检索。筛选和纳入标准:(1)WBC对DOMS影响与作用的前瞻性干预研究;(2)已在学术期刊出版的全文或摘要;(3)只录入英文或者中文文献。评价方法:使用循证医学临床报告证据等级评价表对纳入文献进行评价。结果:经过检索与筛选,共有18篇文献被纳入最后的分析、评价和总结。结论:(1)对于DOMS,WBC是一种有效的恢复手段;(2)WBC对与DOMS相关的部分生理生化指标和部分体能指标具有一定的积极影响。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the effects of whole body cryopreservation on delayed onset muscle DOMS by systematic literature retrieval and screening, and to explore its possible physiological mechanism. The application effect of WBC in DOMS is evaluated. Methods: according to the methods of literature retrieval, screening, input and evaluation, the relevant documents were searched and screened. Retrieval method: 1) Retrieval of WBC's research literature on DOMS intervention in Pub Medof Web of Science (EBSCO) Quest Quest and other Chinese databases, such as CNKIX, Wanfang database, Wan-Fang database, etc.) reference literature on the application of WBC to DOMS intervention is retrieved by keyword. The catalogue is read and retrieved twice. A prospective intervention study on the effects and effects of DOMS on DOMS by screening and inclusion Standard: a full text or Abstract published in academic Journals / 3) only English or Chinese literature was entered. Methods: Evidence-based medicine clinical report evidence rating table was used to evaluate the included literature. Results: after searching and screening, a total of 18 articles were included in the final analysis, evaluation and summary. Conclusion 1) WBC is an effective method for recovery of DOMS. It has a positive effect on some physiological and biochemical indexes and some physical fitness indexes related to DOMS.
【作者单位】: 国家体育总局体育科学研究所;上海体育学院运动科学学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(31371195) 国家体育总局重点领域课题(委14-08) 国家科技部公益性研究院所专项基金项目(基本15-08和16-22)


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9 田恒桥;陈代梅;;对体育运动后延迟性肌肉酸痛症的调查研究[J];中国现代医药杂志;2007年08期

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2 吉U,




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