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发布时间:2018-04-25 01:41

  本文选题:小肠套叠 + 肠梗阻 ; 参考:《河北医科大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:术后肠梗阻是胃部手术之后的常见并发症,其原因经常呈现多元性,病因治疗是其治疗原则中的重要一环,早期确定术后肠梗阻诊断的根本原因对于避免病情恶化、提升预后有着很重要的意义。肠套叠是指一段肠管套入与其相连的肠腔内,并导致肠内容物通过障碍。肠套叠多发于幼儿,发生在成人中较为罕见,成人病例仅占所有病例的5%,而肠套叠造成的肠梗阻仅约占所有成人肠梗阻的1%[1,2]。术后小肠套叠是导致术后肠梗阻的罕见原因,也是罕见的胃部手术后并发症,因其发病率低,并且症状变化多端、缺乏特异性,又常与肠粘连、吻合口水肿及狭窄、术后胃瘫综合征(postoperative gastroplegia syndrome,PGS)等并发症同时发生且难以区别,如不能及时得到诊治可能出现肠坏死等严重并发症,甚至危及生命。本综述旨在通过对该并发症的分类、发病机制、诊断、预防与治疗的诊疗进展进行总结,以期提升广大医务工作者对该并发症的认识,为该疾病的防治提供理论基础。
[Abstract]:Postoperative intestinal obstruction is a common complication after gastric surgery, and its causes are often diversified. Etiological treatment is an important part of the treatment principle. Early diagnosis of postoperative intestinal obstruction is essential to avoid deterioration of the disease. Improving prognosis is of great significance. Intussusception is when a segment of the intestine is inserted into the intestinal cavity to which it is attached and causes obstruction of the intestinal contents. Intussusception is more common in young children and rare in adults. Adult cases only account for 5% of all cases, while intussusception only accounts for 1% of all adult intestinal obstruction. Postoperative intussusception is a rare cause of postoperative intestinal obstruction and a rare postoperative complication of gastric surgery because of its low incidence, variable symptoms, lack of specificity, and often associated with intestinal adhesion, anastomotic edema and stenosis. Complications such as postoperative gastroplegia syndromes and PGSs occur simultaneously and are difficult to distinguish after operation. Serious complications, such as intestinal necrosis and even life-threatening, may occur without timely diagnosis and treatment. The purpose of this review is to summarize the classification, pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of the complication, so as to improve the understanding of the complication and provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of the disease.


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