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发布时间:2018-04-25 19:52

  本文选题:乳腺肿瘤 + 小叶癌 ; 参考:《临床与实验病理学杂志》2017年11期

【摘要】:正患者男性,66岁,因发现右侧乳腺肿物7年余,增大6个月入院。体检:一般状态良好,右侧乳房增大,右侧乳晕区可扪及大小2.5 cm×2.0 cm包块,表面光滑,质硬,触痛不明显,与周围皮肤无黏连,无破溃及乳头溢液。乳腺彩超:右侧乳腺可探及一大小2.6 cm×2.5 cm×1.6 cm实性不均质低回声团块,形态不规整,边界不清,内回声不均,其内可见点状强回声,其内血流不丰富。超声诊断:右侧乳腺实性占位。病理检查眼观:带梭形皮肤乳腺改良根治切除标本1
[Abstract]:The male patient, 66 years old, was admitted to hospital 6 months after the right breast tumor was found for more than 7 years. Physical examination: general condition, right breast enlargement, right areola area palpable 2.5 cm 脳 2.0 cm mass, surface smooth, hard, tenderness not obvious, no adhesion to the surrounding skin, no breakage and nipple discharge. Mammary color ultrasound: the right mammary gland can be detected a solid and heterogeneous hypoechoic mass of 2.6 cm 脳 2.5 cm 脳 1.6 cm in size, which is irregular in shape, unclear in boundary, uneven in internal echo, and can be seen in the right mammary gland, and its internal blood flow is not rich. Ultrasound diagnosis: right breast solid mass. Histopathological examination: modified radical excision of mammary gland with fusiform skin
【作者单位】: 秦皇岛第一医院病理科;


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