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发布时间:2018-04-26 03:34

  本文选题:遗传性痉挛性截瘫 + 基因诊断 ; 参考:《贵阳医学院》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: through the clinical observation of two families with hereditary spastic paraplegia, the proband was sequenced in the whole exon group, and the gene was verified in the family members to establish the diagnostic procedure of HSP, to improve the knowledge of HSP among pediatricians, and to fill the HSP gene bank. To lay a foundation for genetic diagnosis of genetic diseases of nervous system in Guizhou province. Methods the clinical data of two prospective HSP probands were collected, including symptoms, signs, imaging and neuroelectrophysiological results. Blood samples were collected and family genetic maps were drawn. The genetic patterns and possible genotyping of two families were analyzed. The clinical data and blood samples of 17 members of the two families were collected. Extraction of DNA and preservation of probands DNA sequencing of total exon group. Other members of family and control group were detected by Sanger sequencing for mutation interpretation and validation of candidate mutation genes. Results the proband of two families had the main clinical features of slow progressive pyramidal tract injury, combined with neurophysiology, spinal cord, cranial MRI results, and family history of the patients. After the exclusion of other diseases, the clinical diagnosis was that there were 3 patients in the HSP.2 pedigree with two generations of disease. The other two patients had similar clinical manifestations to the proband, but there were differences. One patient was accompanied with deafness, the other patient had abnormal development and low intelligence. There were 6 patients in the second family. The clinical manifestation was the same as that of the proband, but the severity was different. 3 Gene analysis: the total exon sequence of the proband showed that the pathogenic gene was SPG3A1SPG11, SPG12 and SPG48, which confirmed that the above genes were normal in other members of the pedigree. The results of total exon sequencing and Sanger sequencing in the second probands showed that BICD2 was a pathogenic gene, c. 1203GTP. Gln401. Hisand missense mutation. Conclusion: the clinical manifestations of one pedigree in two prospective HSP families are more complicated. Gene diagnosis indicates that this family is more likely to have polygenic genetic disease and is excluded from this family. The second family identified the pathogenicity gene as BICD2. It was suggested that the mutation of BICD2 gene was associated with the pathogenesis of HSP, and was diagnosed as HSP2 in combination with clinical and auxiliary examination results. This study has improved the clinicians' understanding of HSP, reminded us that the diagnosis of gene diseases should pay attention to the genetic mode of families, and the combination of clinical analysis and gene diagnosis has improved the rate of diagnosis of HSP, which is helpful for gene diagnosis in our hospital. The development of prenatal gene screening technology lay the foundation.


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