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发布时间:2018-04-27 02:38

  本文选题:寰椎 + 椎弓根螺钉 ; 参考:《南京医科大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: to reconstruct the cancellous bone and gross morphology of atlas, and to design the ideal screw entry channel for atlas pedicle screw, so as to reduce the resistance and penetrating complication. Methods: 60 volunteers (30 male and 30 female) underwent thin slice CT scan of atlas (voltage 220 V, slice thickness 0. 75 mm, interval 0. 8 mm). The images were reconstructed by Mimics10.01 software. According to the 3D reconstruction image and the original image data, the center point C of the pedicle of atlas was determined, and the angle of the head inclination of the pedicle of atlas was the angle of the ideal screw nail canal (the height of the pedicle of atlas was small in China). The angle of head and tail inclination of screw is small, so the angle of head and tail inclination of ideal nail canal is the same as that of axial head angle of atlas pedicle. The angle of the screw in the lateral mass of cancellous bone was measured, and the angle of the maximum internal and external inclination angle was taken as the angle of the ideal nail path. The point of intersection between the ideal nail path and the posterior arch is defined as the point of entry, and the relevant parameters between the point and the anatomic markers are measured. Results: the distance between male and female ideal screw entry point to the medial wall of pedicle was 7.89 卤1.39mm. the distance to the median sagittal plane was 2.86 卤2.30mm. the distance between male and female ideal screw was 21.23 卤1.64mm. the distance to the upper and lower edge of pedicle was 1.00 卤0.10mm. the distance from L2 to the median sagittal plane was 1.01 卤0.11mm. The inclinations of ideal screws for men and women were 11.70 卤5.68 掳and 11.70 卤5.48 掳respectively, in which the maximum angle 伪 _ 1 was 32.51 卤5.79 掳and the maximum external angle 伪 _ 2 was 9.10 卤7.80 掳and 7.04 卤7.13 掳, respectively. The pedicle width D of male and female were 9.70 卤1.57 and 8.70 卤1.24mm, respectively, and the height H was 5.24 卤1.15m and 4.38 卤0.81)mm.60 respectively. The imaging data of all the male and female volunteers simulated the placement of screws with diameter of 3.5mm, of which 10 were (male 1 case, 1 side). In 5 cases (9 sides), the pedicle was broken because of low pedicle height or anatomic variation, the ratio was 8.33. Conclusion: the point of entry of the ideal screw is at the center of the upper and lower margin of the posterior arch at the side of the medial lateral wall of the pedicle of the pedicle, and the screw tilts inwards about 11-12 掳, and coaxial with the pedicle of the pedicle.


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