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发布时间:2018-04-30 14:03

  本文选题:股骨颈骨折 + 虚拟手术 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Femoral neck fracture is one of the most common fractures in clinic. The late stage can be accompanied by avascular necrosis and collapse of femoral head. Therefore, the rationality of the mechanical structure of its internal fixation mode is often ignored. Taking the choice of different internal fixation methods for femoral neck fracture as the research object, the stress and strain data of different internal fixation methods under the same load were calculated by ANSYS solution, and the optimal internal fixation method was selected according to the evaluation criteria. The main content of this thesis includes the following three parts. First of all, with the help of VC development friendly, convenient human-computer interface interface. According to several processes of ANSYS finite element analysis, the optimal system of virtual surgery for femoral neck fracture is divided into three modules: parameterized pre-processing module, finite element APDL solution module and post-processing module. The parameterized pre-processing module mainly completes the input of fracture parameters and the choice of internal fixation mode, the finite element APDL solution module mainly realizes the batch operation of ANSYS. The post-processing module mainly completes the acquisition of ANSYS batch treatment results and the rational selection of internal fixation for femoral neck fracture surgery based on the results. Secondly, based on the parameterized design idea, the APDL code of the parameterized finite element model of femoral neck is compiled, which corresponds to the APDL code of the parameterized fracture internal fixation with different internal fixation methods. Parameterized meshing and load constraints imposed on the APDL code and the result post-processing APDL code. Finally, the communication interface between the virtual surgery system and the ANSYS software and the communication interface between the parameterized preprocessing module and the corresponding APDL code are established. The implementation of the former enables the virtual surgery system to call the ANSYS software in the background. The implementation of the latter makes the parameters input in the pre-processing module can be transferred with the corresponding APDL code to ensure the feasibility and rationality of the virtual surgery optimization system for femoral neck fractures. To sum up, the purpose of this paper is to develop an optimal virtual surgery system for femoral neck fracture. The operation system strives to realize ANSYS batch analysis on the premise of X ray only, and to select the results and assist doctors to select the internal fixation mode. From the point of view of engineering, it provides theoretical guidance for clinical selection of internal fixation of femoral neck fractures.


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