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发布时间:2018-05-01 21:22

  本文选题:新疆 + 肝移植 ; 参考:《新疆医科大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the quality of life (QOL) of patients with liver transplantation in Xinjiang, and to explore the main influencing factors on the quality of life, and to provide evidence for effective psychological intervention and follow-up work. It also provides scientific basis for improving the quality of life of patients. Methods: a total of 31 patients, including demographics, who had survived after liver transplantation from 2000 to August 2014 in a certain Grade 3A Hospital in Xinjiang and were able to conduct self-evaluation with independent consciousness, were surveyed. Chinese version of SF-36 Health scale questionnaire and interview three parts. Results: the scores of liver transplantation patients in 8 dimensions ranged from 60.6 18.7 to 93.9 卤22.1g. Primary diseases, surgical procedures, marital status, education, occupation, sex, and age have an impact on some dimensions of quality of life: younger patients of different ages have a relatively good quality of life. The scores of emotional function and mental health of female were lower than that of male, but the score of somatic pain was higher than that of male. Patients with different education levels have different emotional functions and mental health dimensions, but the trend is not obvious; different marital status of patients in the physiological function, vitality, emotional function, mental health, there are differences in four dimensions, And the trend is that the married patients are higher than the unmarried patients higher than the divorced patients, the mental health is opposite to the trend, the scores of social function and mental health of the patients with different primary diseases are different. The scores of physiological function and overall health dimension were different in different operation ways and occupations. The quality of life of the patients with liver transplantation in Xinjiang was compared with that of the general population. There were significant differences in the scores of four dimensions (P0.05) in the physiological function of PFD, VTN, SFS and MH. The scores of physiological function, body pain, VT, social function and mental health of Xinjiang liver transplantation patients were significantly higher than those of Chinese Americans (P 0.05). There were significant differences in the scores of physiological function PFD, somatic pain, general health, VT, and social function (SFF) between Xinjiang liver transplantation patients and American people (P 0.05). In this study, the score of quality of life for liver transplant patients was similar to that in European and American countries. Interviews with patients with liver transplantation in Xinjiang showed that the patients had good self-assessment of their physical health, high psychological and economic pressure, and most of them were satisfied with the self-assessment of family members and social support. Conclusion: the age is younger, the male is lower, the education level is lower, the marriage status is married, the occupation is the individual, the operation way is the living donor liver transplantation liver transplant patient, The scores of social function and mental health MH were different among patients with different primary diseases, and the scores of quality of life of patients with liver transplantation in Xinjiang were close to those of the general population, Chinese Americans and American people. Compared with the general population, the scores in the four dimensions of physiological function, VT, SFH and MH were slightly higher than those in the general population. Compared with the Chinese Americans and the American population, there were differences in the five dimensions of physiological function, body pain, general health, VTT and social function, except for the differences of human culture, etc. This may have something to do with the patient's compliance with the doctor's instructions after the operation and timely contact with the doctor to pay attention to medical care, which is also closely related to the regular follow-up of the case managers in the later period. At the same time, liver transplantation is proved to be a very effective treatment for end-stage liver disease.


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