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发布时间:2018-05-08 17:53

  本文选题:开胸手术 + 术后疼痛 ; 参考:《中国老年学杂志》2016年06期

【摘要】:正临床上将疼痛分为急性疼痛和慢性疼痛两大类,术后疼痛属于急性疼痛,大多发生在术后24~48 h。目前,临床上的胸科手术仍以开胸手术为主,开胸手术切口较长,切口附近神经密布,创伤大,神经,肌肉损伤大,可引起剧烈的术后疼痛,患者咳嗽、排痰、变换体位时,疼痛更加剧烈,由此可引发肺部相关并发症,术后的有效镇痛可以减少或避免上述情况的发生,对于术后患者的生活质量的提高有一定作用〔1〕。老年患者开胸
[Abstract]:Pain is divided into acute pain and chronic pain. Postoperative pain belongs to acute pain, most of which occur at 244h after operation. At present, the clinical chest surgery is still mainly open chest surgery. The thoracotomy operation has a long incision, the nerve around the incision is dense, the injury of nerve and muscle is great, and it can cause severe postoperative pain. When the patient coughs, discharges phlegm, and changes posture, The pain is more severe, which can lead to pulmonary complications. The effective analgesia after operation can reduce or avoid the occurrence of the above situation, which has a certain effect on the improvement of the quality of life of the patients after operation. Open chest in elderly patients
【作者单位】: 吉林大学第二医院麻醉科;吉林大学第二医院急救医学科;


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