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发布时间:2018-05-09 11:02

  本文选题:头皮脑电 + 皮层脑电 ; 参考:《燕山大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Synchronization has become an important tool to describe the neurophysiological mechanism of information transmission between brain regions under general anesthesia. Different synchronization methods show their own performance characteristics in response to different anesthetic state. However, the changes of synchronism in different brain regions during propofol induced anesthesia have not been fully explained. The synchronous scalp signals of seven subjects during general anesthesia with propofol were calculated. In order to evaluate the performance of synchronization index and its correlation, the prediction probability of synchronization index, bispectral index and propofol effect chamber concentration, the coefficient of variation and Pearson correlation coefficient under different anesthetic conditions were calculated. The results showed that different synchronization methods had different forms in evaluating the synchronization changes between two channels scalp signals during anaesthesia. Ranking cross-mutual information, deterministic performance in predicting bispectral exponent and concentration of following effect chamber is superior to nonlinear interdependence, and mutual information and cross-correlation based on kernel density estimation. The values of ranking mutual information and nonlinear interdependence index increased obviously in unconscious period and decreased obviously in convalescence period, but for mutual information based on kernel estimation, deterministic and wavelet consistency showed the opposite trend. The phase synchronization index based on phase lock decreased in the unconscious period, but did not change significantly in the recovery period. The synchronous changes of 64 channel cortical signals in three epileptic patients under propofol anesthesia were also analyzed by phase amplitude coupling method. The time-varying phase amplitude modulation map and the modulation index based on Kullback-Leibler distance were used to analyze three patients in frontal lobe and parietal lobe. The phase amplitude coupling mode and coupling intensity between low frequency slow wave oscillations in occipital lobe and temporal cortex (1Hzn, 未 -1-4Hz), 胃 ~ (4-8) Hz) and high-frequency 伪 _ (8-13 ~ (13) Hz), 尾 ~ (13 ~ (13) H _ (z) and 纬 _ 130-40 Hz) oscillations in the occipital lobe and temporal cortex. The results show that propofol has different effects on the phase amplitude coupling between different frequency bands in different cortical regions. The phase amplitude coupling "trough maximum" pattern appears in the regulation of the parietal lobe and occipital cortex in the awake period, and the "peak maximum" pattern in the frontal, parietal and occipital cortex in the unconscious phase. In addition, the newly discovered phase amplitude coupling model, called the "descending edge-maximum" mode, mainly occurs in the frontal, parietal and occipital cortex after consciousness has disappeared.


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