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发布时间:2018-05-10 10:05

  本文选题:生物相容性材料 + 牙槽突 ; 参考:《中国组织工程研究》2017年10期

【摘要】:背景:在骨修复中,组织工程可以作为一种新的方法取代自体骨移植。其中支架是组织工程技术的重要元素,而3D打印技术可以在其制作过程中实现精确的调控,因此有关3D打印技术在支架制作中的应用受到越来越多的关注。目的:对现有关于3D打印支架应用于骨缺损修复的体外或体内研究进行回顾,以期为未来的科研及临床提供新的依据。方法:由第一作者从Pub Med数据库中,以"tissue engineering;bone;three-dimensional printing;scaffold"为关键词检索2003年1月至2016年3月间发表的文献,筛选出与3D打印组织工程支架相关的文献。结果与结论:目前已有大量关于3D打印组织工程支架的研究,支架的材料选择和表面修饰逐渐成为研究热点。如今支架材料适当的孔隙率已成为设计中必不可少的元素,越来越精细的加工手法也提升了支架的各项性能,而在材料的选择上也越来越多的偏向于复合材料而不是单一的同种材料,这些措施不仅提高了机械性能,还促进了细胞附着和生长繁殖,最后对于支架的各种促成骨表面处理,更是在细胞分子水平上促进了机体与植入材料间的互相作用。体内外的研究结果均显示复合材料且表面涂布骨诱导涂层均可以不同程度地提高支架性能和促进成骨。
[Abstract]:Background: tissue engineering can be used as a new method to replace autogenous bone graft in bone repair. Scaffold is an important element of tissue engineering technology, and 3D printing technology can achieve accurate control in the process of fabrication. Therefore, the application of 3D printing technology in scaffold fabrication has attracted more and more attention. Objective: to review in vitro and in vivo studies on the application of 3D printing scaffolds in bone defect repair in order to provide a new basis for future scientific research and clinical application. Methods: the literature published between January 2003 and March 2016 was searched by the first author from the Pub Med database, using "tissue engineering scaffold" as the key word, and the literatures related to 3D printing tissue engineering scaffold were screened out. Results & conclusion: there have been a lot of researches on 3D printed tissue engineering scaffolds, and the material selection and surface modification of scaffolds have gradually become a hot topic. Nowadays, proper porosity of scaffold materials has become an essential element in design, and more and more sophisticated processing techniques have also improved the properties of scaffolds. And more and more materials are chosen in favor of composite materials rather than the same material, these measures not only improve the mechanical properties, but also promote cell adhesion and growth and reproduction, and finally promote bone surface treatment for various scaffolds. It also promotes the interaction between organism and implant material at cellular and molecular level. The results in vivo and in vitro showed that the composite material and the bone-induced coating on the surface could improve the scaffold properties and promote osteogenesis in varying degrees.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔正畸科上海市口腔医学重点实验室;


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