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发布时间:2018-05-10 23:05

  本文选题:膝骨性关节炎 + 毫火针疗法 ; 参考:《广州中医药大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper makes a systematic and in-depth study on the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for knee osteoarthritis from three aspects of literature, theory and clinical trials. The first part of this paper is preface. First, it introduces its pathology, clinical manifestation, the effect of the patients and the increase of the incidence, and points out the treatment and preventive health care of the knee osteoarthritis. Secondly, it introduces the treatment of knee osteoarthritis in the early and middle and late stages of Western medicine and its shortcomings as well as the advantages of acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Then it introduces the cause of the knee osteoarthritis, with a good analgesic effect on the patients with knee osteoarthritis with the use of fire needle therapy, but it is not better to improve the activity of the knee joint and to improve the effect. The movement therapy of the function of the joint activity is briefly introduced, which leads to the purpose and clinical significance of the study on the difference of the curative effect between the fire needle and the fire needle in combination with the motion therapy of the knee osteoarthritis. The second part of the paper is the literature study and the theoretical discussion. Modern medicine has made a series of discussions on the understanding, epidemiological characteristics, pathogenesis and treatment methods of knee osteoarthritis. From the Chinese medicine, the knee osteoarthritis belongs to the category of arthralgia, and the ancient medical literature deals with arthralgia. It points out that the etiology involves various aspects, including external and internal injuries; the disease is in the knee joint, Most of the diseases involve the liver, kidney and spleen; the disease belongs to the virtual standard, the deficiency of the liver and kidney, the weakness of Qi and blood is the pathological basis of the disease, the wind cold and damp evil is the common inducing factor, the blood stasis obstructing the collaterals is the key to the disease. Electroacupuncture, warm acupuncture, acupuncture and medicine combination, small needle knife therapy, acupoint injection, and fire needle therapy. In modern medicine, the pathological and clinical manifestations and epidemiological characteristics of knee osteoarthritis are discussed first. The etiology is related to a variety of factors, possible pathogenic factors and the pathogenesis of joint stress imbalance, free radical effect and immune response. The effects and osteoporosis. The treatment includes non drug therapy and drug therapy. Exercise therapy belongs to one of the non drug therapies, including muscle exercise, joint activity exercise, and water exercise therapy. It is an effective treatment method to improve the clinical symptoms and joint function of patients with knee osteoarthritis. The treatment can effectively relieve the pain of the patients. Exercise therapy can improve the degree of joint activity and effectively delay the attack of knee osteoarthritis. In the third part, the clinical significance of the treatment of knee osteoarthritis is discussed by using fire needle therapy and exercise therapy. Objective: To study the effect and safety of the millefire needle and the transport therapy for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Compared with the milli needle combined with exercise therapy, it can better improve the clinical symptoms, daily function and activity ability of the patients with knee osteoarthritis and whether it can more effectively relieve the pain of the patients, thus providing a more effective and simple treatment for the clinical treatment of knee osteoarthritis. A total of 60 subjects were selected and divided into 2 groups randomly, 30 in the control group and 30 in the observation group. The control group was treated with the milli fire needle therapy and the observation group was treated with the milli fire needle and exercise therapy. The same main points were taken in the two groups, that is, the acupoints, the knee, the beam hillock, and the Yang Ling spring. The root of the different syndrome types was added to the corresponding acupoints, that is, the kidney deficiency pulp loss patients plus suspension. The patients with blood stasis and collaterals were added to the blood sea, the patients with Yang deficiency and cold coagulation were added with Zusanli. The observation group selected the main points and the corresponding syndromes to carry out the fire needle therapy. The time of the pricking process was controlled in 0.5 seconds, about 0.2 to 0.5cm. After the prick, 3 times a week, 1 times a week, and 4 weeks for one treatment. In the observation group, the exercise therapy was carried out each time after the treatment was completed (with the control group), that is, the four head muscle training in the prone position after the supine straight leg was drafted by the straight leg, and the medication time was evaluated after the same.1 course of treatment with the control group. According to the criterion JOA of the treatment effect of osteoarthritis of the knee joint and the visual analogue scale VAS Analysis of the conditions before and after treatment, using nimodipine as the evaluation of curative effect, and through statistics analysis. Results: the results of clinical observation and statistical analysis showed that the scores of JOA and VAS before and after treatment in the two groups were compared, P0.01, indicating that the two treatments were all effective, and the clinical improvement rate of the observation group was 0.76 + 0.24 after treatment. It was significantly higher than that of the control group of 0.62 + 0.17, and the safety of the observation group had no adverse reaction. Conclusion: the treatment of knee osteoarthritis with the combination of fire needle therapy and fire needle combined with sports therapy has better effect on the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. By comparison, the effect of the fire needle combined with exercise therapy is better than the simple fire needle therapy. It is a safe, minimally invasive, effective, and green health therapy that is worthy of promotion.



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