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发布时间:2018-05-19 05:28

  本文选题:人工全膝关节置换术 + 胫骨平台 ; 参考:《中国修复重建外科杂志》2017年09期

【摘要】:目的总结人工全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)中采用骨水泥联合螺钉修复胫骨平台骨缺损的近期疗效。方法 2013年3月—2016年3月,对30例行初次TKA患者术中采用骨水泥联合螺钉修复胫骨平台骨缺损。男8例,女22例;年龄55~71岁,平均64.7岁。左膝17例,右膝13例。骨关节炎22例,类风湿性关节炎8例。病程9~27个月,平均14个月。膝关节学会评分系统(KSS)评分为(41.63±6.76)分,美国特种外科医院(HSS)评分为(38.10±7.00)分。膝内翻畸形19例,膝外翻畸形11例。胫骨平台骨缺损根据Rand分型标准,均为Ⅱb型。结果术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,无感染、下肢深静脉血栓形成等并发症发生。患者均获随访,随访时间10~42个月,平均27.5个月。末次随访时,HSS评分为(90.70±4.18)分、KSS评分为(93.20±3.75)分,与术前比较差异均有统计学意义(t= 58.014,P=0.000;t= 60.629,P=0.000)。X线片复查示,均未出现假体下沉、骨溶解、骨吸收、螺钉松动、骨水泥断裂等并发症。结论 TKA术中采用骨水泥联合螺钉修复严重膝内、外翻并发的胫骨平台骨缺损,简便、安全,近期疗效较好。
[Abstract]:Objective to summarize the short term effect of total knee arthroplasty with bone cement combined with screw in repairing tibial plateau bone defect. Methods from March 2013 to March 2016, 30 patients with primary TKA were treated with bone cement combined with screw to repair tibial plateau defect. There were 8 males and 22 females, aged 5571 years with an average age of 64.7 years. Left knee 17 cases, right knee 13 cases. Osteoarthritis 22 cases, rheumatoid arthritis 8 cases. The course of disease ranged from 9 to 27 months (mean 14 months). The scores of KSS and HSS were 41.63 卤6.76 and 38.10 卤7.00, respectively. There were 19 cases of varus genu deformity and 11 cases of genu valgus malformation. The defect of tibial plateau was type 鈪,




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