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发布时间:2018-05-26 01:16

  本文选题:组织工程 + 模型 ; 参考:《中国组织工程研究》2017年16期

[Abstract]:Background: distraction osteogenesis has become an important clinical treatment for large bone defects, bone tumors, osteomyelitis and other effective methods, but in the basic research of distraction osteogenesis at home and abroad, there is still a lack of standard distraction osteogenesis model. Objective: to establish a rabbit model of femoral distraction osteogenesis and evaluate the osteogenic effect of rabbit femoral distraction osteogenesis model. Methods: the animal model of distraction osteogenesis of rabbit femur was established by using a new type of rabbit distraction osteogenesis apparatus in 20 male New Zealand rabbits. The osteogenic effect of distraction osteogenesis was observed by the general morphology of the specimen and X-ray film. Results and conclusion: on the 14th day of fixation, the new bone tissue in the distraction space became lighter in color, denser and more symmetrical, with a cylindrical perforation between the two ends of the fracture, and the boundary of the two ends of the normal bone was more blurred than that of the normal bone, and on the 35th day of fixation, the new bone tissue in the distraction space became lighter, denser and more symmetrical. In the space of distraction, the surface of the new bone was the same as the normal bone, and the texture was the same. It was difficult for the naked eye to distinguish the boundary between the normal bone tissue and the new bone area of the distraction space. The results of X-ray examination showed that the bone density of the new bone tissue was significantly higher than that of the normal bone tissue on the 14th day of fixation. The distraction stent fixation is stable, the fracture ends can be aligned, the cloud shadow connecting the two ends of the normal bone can be seen in the distraction space, and the density is further increased; on the 35th day of fixation, the distraction stent fixation is stable, and the fracture ends can be aligned with each other. The results of complete calcification of new bone tissue, complete formation of bone cortex and unblocked medullary cavity confirmed that the self-made single-arm distraction scaffold was used in rabbit femur distraction osteogenesis. The rabbit femoral distraction osteogenesis model was successfully established by designing reasonable modeling steps and standardized distraction osteogenesis after operation.
【作者单位】: 佛山健翔医院;广州市脑科医院;临沂市人民医院;
【基金】:2014山东省中青年科学家科研奖励基金(BS2014YY026) 2017佛山市卫生和计生局医学科研课题(20170161)~~


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