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发布时间:2018-05-26 18:27

  本文选题:肢残康复 + 汇款单附言 ; 参考:《中国矫形外科杂志》2017年01期

[Abstract]:Regular members: the editorial Committee of the Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic surgery and the China Association for Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation (hereinafter referred to as the "two sessions") 2017 committee fee: standing Committee, members are 500 yuan. Members may remit this notice to the Secretariat, which shall, upon receipt of this paragraph, send an invoice, indicating the invoice's item name in the postscript of the remittance bill (in the form of a membership fee or page fee, so as to facilitate reimbursement by the unit. Note: 1) membership fees are used in the scope of use: 1) Free gifts to the committee members of the current issue of the Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic surgery (the copper version of the subscription fee for the whole of 2017 is 600 yuan, Rubber version $480 / 2) members of this Council may waive part of the registration fee as appropriate when participating in academic activities organized by the Institute) papers by members of the Council who are the first author, Contributions to the Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic surgery are exempt from the fee of review.
【作者单位】: 《中国矫形外科杂志》编委会;中国康协肢体残疾康复专业委员会;


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