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发布时间:2018-05-27 09:13

  本文选题:肥胖 + 手术减肥 ; 参考:《西安电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the diet structure has changed greatly, and high calorie and low fiber food have become the mainstream. In addition, the decrease of labor and exercise leads to the imbalance of energy intake and consumption, which leads to the rapid increase of obesity population in China. At present, the total population of our country has become the second largest country in the world after the United States, which has caused serious damage to the health of the people, at the same time, it has also hindered the development of social economy and social progress. Imaging studies on obesity show that obesity causes damage to brain structure and changes in function, mainly in areas responsible for diet control and emotional regulation. The intervention therapy for obesity has shown that among the many obesity treatment methods, the surgical operation, such as sleeve stomach LSG-based weight-loss surgery, has become a long-term effective method for the treatment of obesity. The study shows that the brain function of obese patients can be improved by adjusting the brain responsible for diet control and emotional control through the interaction between brain and intestine while reducing weight by surgery. But whether weight loss surgery can repair or reverse brain damage caused by obesity has not been reported. In this study, the obese subjects and normal subjects were followed up by functional magnetic resonance 3D imaging, and 3D structural images of obese subjects and normal subjects were obtained before and after operation. On the one hand, the changes of brain structure before and after surgery were studied by using T1 weighted 3D structure image, mainly including gray matter, white matter density, cortical surface area, volume, thickness; on the other hand, the method of graph theory was used to study the changes of brain structure. To study the effect of surgical weight loss on brain topology. The results showed that obesity resulted in the density of gray matter, the decrease of cortex thickness, the increase of volume and surface area of cortex, and the increase of density of gray matter and thickness of cortex. Reducing cortical volume and surface area, repairing the damage caused by obesity. The regions of the brain strengthen each other, which makes the activities of the driving and controlling regions of the brain normal. In a word, long-term obesity will lead to abnormal brain structure, and the surgery can restore the nerve repair and reverse the damage caused by obesity. These findings provide some imaging evidence to reveal the mechanism of brain-intestinal interaction in weight loss surgery. At the same time, it provides a technique for the treatment of other brain structure damage diseases.


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