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发布时间:2018-05-31 04:03

  本文选题:端粒酶逆转录酶 + RNA干扰技术 ; 参考:《新疆医科大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Aim: to investigate the effects of galactocyte reverse transcriptase gene lentivirus vector on the growth of astrocytes and the formation of glial scar in the injured area of spinal cord in rats. Methods: rat spinal cord astrocytes were cultured in vitro and transfected with lentivirus vector of reverse transcriptase gene. Sixty SD rats were randomly divided into four groups: experimental group, negative control group, model group and normal group. An animal model of spinal cord injury was established by modified Allen's weight fall method. The spinal cord specimens were collected at 5 time points at 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks after the establishment of the model. The expression of telomerase and the formation of glial scar were detected by Western blot- blot assay with PCR-ELISA. Results: the cultured cells were identified as stellate glial cell tert gene lentivirus vector transfection rate of 85-90, and after transfection, the growth trend was obviously changed, after 24-48 hours after transfection, the apoptosis reached 50-60%. The growth state of negative control group and blank group had no obvious change. The effect of different treatment methods on scar formation in spinal cord injury area was significantly different (P 0.01), and there was significant difference between the control group and the interference group (P 0.001). The expression of GFAP in the injured spinal cord in the interference group was lower than that in the other groups, and gradually decreased. Compared with the negative control group and the blank group, the expression of GFAP in the injured spinal cord was significantly lower than that in the negative control group and the blank control group, but there was no difference between the two groups, and the expression of telomerase was decreased in the interference group. Compared with other groups, there was statistical difference (P 0.001). The fluorescence expression of NF-200 labeled lentivirus vector interference group and normal group was significantly higher than that of negative control group and blank group. Conclusion: the cultured astrocytes can be successfully cultured in vitro. The lentivirus vector targeting TERT gene has a significant effect on the growth of astrocytes and can accelerate the apoptosis of astrocytes. The TERT lentivirus vector acting on the spinal cord injury area can promote the repair of spinal cord injury, reduce the formation of glial scar in the injured area, and provide further experimental evidence for the treatment of spinal cord injury.


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