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发布时间:2018-06-01 05:05

  本文选题:软组织肿瘤 + 朗格汉斯细胞肉瘤 ; 参考:《临床与实验病理学杂志》2016年10期

【摘要】:正患者男性,58岁,2015年10月发现右臀部外侧盘状结节,直径约1 cm,高出皮面,边界清楚,质硬无触痛。1个月后自觉肿块增大迅速,直径达4 cm,表面局部破溃,流出少量淡黄色液体,轻压痛前来就诊。B超提示皮下软组织层内可见1枚混合性回声团,以实性中等回声为主,夹杂无回声及低回声,大小3.2 cm×1.6 cm,最厚处达0.8 cm,周边可见少许血流信号(图1)。完善各项检查,心、肝、脾、肾及肺均
[Abstract]:The male patient was 58 years old. In October 2015, he found a discoid nodule on the lateral side of the right buttocks, about 1 cm in diameter, high above the leather, with a clear boundary and no tenderness. After one month, the mass was enlarged rapidly, its diameter was 4 cm, the surface was broken, and the surface was broken. A small amount of yellowish fluid and mild tenderness came to visit the hospital. B-mode ultrasound showed a mixed echo mass in the subcutaneous soft tissue layer, mainly solid medium echo, with no echo and low echo. The size is 3.2 cm 脳 1.6 cm, and the thickest is 0.8 cm. A little blood flow signal can be seen around it (Fig. 1). Improve all examinations, heart, liver, spleen, kidney and lung
【作者单位】: 解放军第八一医院病理科;




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