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发布时间:2018-06-05 18:15

  本文选题:内镜下逆行阑尾炎治疗术 + 手术技巧 ; 参考:《人人健康》2016年24期

【摘要】:目的 :总结内镜下逆行阑尾炎治疗术的手术技巧及效果。方法 :此次实验研究对象是我院在2014年1月到2015年12月期间收治行手术治疗的100例阑尾炎患者。根据手术方案,将100例患者均等分为内镜下逆行阑尾炎治疗术(ERAT)的实验组以及腹腔镜阑尾切除术(LA)的参照组,对比两组阑尾炎患者治疗效果。结果 :实验组各项术后观察指标(手术时间、体温正常时间、白细胞正常时间、术后卧床时间以及住院时间等)均明显优于参照组,P0.05。结论 :ERAT治疗阑尾炎效果显著,手术中要注意选择合适的插管、取石工具,提高手术成功率、安全性。
[Abstract]:Objective: to summarize the operative technique and effect of endoscopic retrograde appendicitis. Methods: from January 2014 to December 2015, 100 patients with appendicitis were treated in our hospital. According to the operation plan, 100 patients were divided equally into two groups: the experimental group of endoscopic retrograde appendicitis treatment and the reference group of laparoscopic appendectomy. Results: the observation indexes (operation time, normal temperature time, white blood cell normal time, postoperative bed-rest time and hospitalization time) in the experimental group were significantly better than those in the control group (P 0.05). ConclusionThe effect of ERAT on appendicitis is remarkable. Proper intubation and lithotomy tools should be selected to improve the success rate and safety of appendicitis.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江省明水县兴仁镇中心卫生院;


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