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发布时间:2018-06-08 19:41

  本文选题:人工髋关节 + 金属-聚乙烯(MPE) ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Total hip replacement (THA) is one of the most mature and effective orthopedic surgery, which can effectively improve the pain of joint and improve the quality of life of patients. At present, with the younger trend of patients, the life span of hip joint presents a new challenge. The study on the tribological properties of the joint friction interface can essentially understand the causes of the failure of the artificial joint and put forward some measures to improve the service life of the joint. In this paper, the mechanical properties and chemical composition of three pairs of metal-polyethylene MPEG samples were determined by means of atomic force microscope (AFM) X-ray diffractometer (AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and so on. Then in vitro simulation experiments were carried out to explore the process of attachment formation and the influence of surface interface factors on the formation process. The experimental results show that through the study of three pairs of metal-polyethylene samples taken from the body, it is found that the adsorbents are formed on the interface between metal and polyethylene on the grinding interface of sample No. 1, and on the other two and three samples. No adsorption was found. In order to further determine the composition of the adsorbents, FTIR and XPS measurements of the adsorbents were carried out. It was found that, unlike the traditional conclusions, the components of the adsorbents were not only the modified proteins, but the mixture of the modified proteins and the polyethylene particles. However, AFM measurements showed that the adhesion force on the surface of the attachment was distributed in two different regions, which further confirmed the above conclusion. (2) through the in vitro simulation experiment, it was found that there was an obvious adsorption phenomenon of protein molecules in the static adsorption experiment. However, no obvious adsorption phenomenon was found in the dynamic adsorption test by atomic force microscope. The reason for this may be that during the dynamic adsorption experiment, the tip of the probe tip of the atomic force microscope is relatively sharp, leading to some protein molecules adsorbing on the tip of the probe during the process of activity. It is also possible that the protein molecules have been adsorbed on the surface of cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy. When the surface morphology is measured, the protein molecules that have been adsorbed on the tip of the needle are cut off, resulting in the false appearance that the protein molecules have not been adsorbed. But in a word, the adhesion between the adsorbed membrane and the substrate formed in vitro was not as firm as in vivo.) the hardness and Young's modulus and composition of the three ball heads on the surface of the acetabular cup of polyethylene were measured by nano-indentation instrument. It was found that there was no obvious difference in the basic properties of the three ball heads, but the characteristics of the No. 1 acetabular cup were obviously different from those of the other two. Therefore, it was speculated that the different characteristics of the acetabular cup might lead to the difference of the lubrication mechanism in vivo, and then affect the formation of the adsorbent. The results show that if the acetabular cup has a small hardness and some microtexture on the surface, the friction interface will be kept in an elastohydrodynamic state, whereas if the acetabular cup has a high hardness and a smooth surface, The friction interface is easy to enter the boundary lubrication state, resulting in the formation of friction biofilm.


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