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发布时间:2018-06-15 09:01

  本文选题:湿性敷料 + 活性银离子(银尔洁)抗菌液 ; 参考:《中华医院感染学杂志》2017年14期

[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the effect of the combined use of wet dressing and active silver ion antibacterial solution (Yin Erjie) in the prevention and treatment of infection after the operation of labia labia, and to analyze and compare the effect of traditional Potassium Permanganate solution in the treatment of perineal infection after the operation of labia labium after plastic surgery. Methods the hospital was collected in May -2016 January 2015. The 60 cases of labia labia plastic surgery were divided into the observation group and the control group, each with 30 cases. The observation group was treated with wet dressing external application and active silver ion antibacterial liquid (silver cleaning antibacterial liquid) flushing and filling combined with the labia labia plastic surgery to prevent infection. The control group used traditional Potassium Permanganate solution to rinse perineum after the small labia labia operation. Prevention of postoperative infection; compared two groups of patients with postoperative swelling degree of incision, pain degree, incision infection, incision healing time and incision healing rate. Results the observation group postoperative incision swelling in 9 cases, control group postoperative incision swelling in 18 cases, postoperative incision pain in the observation group 7 cases, postoperative incision pain in the control group 17 cases; observation group postoperative infection of incisional infection hair There were 1 cases of birth and 4 cases of postoperative incision infection in the control group: the average incision healing time of the observation group was 3.81 days, the average of the incision healing was 6.12 days in the control group, the healing rate of the incision in the observation group was 96.7% and the healing rate of the control group was 86.7%, and the difference of the above data between the two groups had statistical significance (P0.05) and reached the expectation. Conclusion the effect of the combination of wet dressing and silprop in the prevention of postoperative infection is obviously better than that of Potassium Permanganate solution in the treatment of perineal infection after small labia labia plastic surgery.
【作者单位】: 杭州市第一人民医院整形科;


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