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发布时间:2018-06-25 22:23

  本文选题:大骨节病 + 内生真菌 ; 参考:《西北大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Kaschin-Beck disease (KBD) is a chronic endemic disease, which seriously affects the physical and mental health of the people. Based on the theory of selenium deficiency and the hypothesis of mycotoxin poisoning, the relationship between selenium, fungi and chondrocytes was studied in order to provide some new clues for finding the pathogenic factors of Kaschin-Beck disease. In this experiment, endophytic streptomyces of wheat dominant fungi were isolated and identified from Kashin-Beck disease area in Qinghai, and the effect of selenium on the growth of their hyphae was determined. The effects of fungal fermentation products on chondrocytes and the repair of chondrocyte damage induced by streptomyces fermentation were studied. Streptomyces spore strains were cultured in synthetic medium and the growth curves of fungi were measured under different selenium concentrations. The fermentation products of each strain were extracted with 757-alcohol after culture. MTT assay, toluidine blue and immunohistochemical staining were used to detect their effects on chondrocyte viability, synthesis of proteoglycan and type II collagen and their mRNA expression levels. The chondrocytes treated by fungal fermentation products were supplemented with selenium and the changes of cell indexes were measured. The results showed that different selenium concentrations had different effects on different strains. For 8-5-B, adding selenium could delay the arrival of stable period, but when selenium concentration was less than 0.2 mg / L, selenium had no significant effect on the biomass of the strain. For 13-8 A, high concentration of selenium accelerates the arrival of stable phase. For conf-1, when the concentration of selenium is less than 1.0 mg / L, it can promote the growth of hyphae. The fermentation products of the three strains could significantly reduce the viability of chondrocytes. The effects of selenium free culture and 0.5 mg / L selenium on chondrocyte viability were significantly higher than those in other groups. The expression of proteoglycan and type II collagen mRNA in both groups was higher than that in other groups. The results suggest that selenium can affect the growth of Streptomyces and that different concentrations of selenium may affect the fermentation products of Streptomyces. High concentration of selenium can inhibit the production of some strains. The effect of selenium supplementation on chondrocytes of Streptomyces spp. Fermentation products was studied. It was found that certain concentration of selenium could attenuate the damage of fungal fermentation products. Selenium supplementation could antagonize the inhibitory effect of fungal fermentation products on the mRNA and protein expression of proteoglycan and type II collagen. Therefore, environmental low level selenium may indirectly act on human through fungi, increase its damage to human chondrocytes and increase the possibility of Kaschin-Beck disease.


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