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发布时间:2018-06-27 15:47

  本文选题:捆绑式胰胃吻合 + 健康相关生活质量 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的 评估捆绑式胰胃吻合(BPG)术后患者的健康相关生活质量(HRQoL). 方法 选取2013年6月至2015年3月我院普外科行Ⅱ型BPG的患者为研究组。以手术当天为研究起点,每隔6个月通过电话随访和中文版SF-36量表评估术后症状及生活质量。对照组为1688例健康居民的杭州市SF-36常模。 结果 截至2015年4月,入组患者18例,中位随访时间14个月,最短随访1个月,最长随访22个月。其中2例患者出现慢性腹泻,2例肿瘤患者复发死亡。共收集15例患者术后6月的HRQoL资料,13例患者术后12月的HRQoL资料,4例患者术后18月的HRQoL资料。13例患者术后随访超过12个月,其术后6月和12月的HRQoL资料,纳入统计分析,与对照组比较。统计结果表明患者术后6月的生理职能评分低于对照组(0.05),而其它维度的评分与对照组无差异(0.05)。患者术后12月的生理职能和情感职能评分均低于对照组(0.05),而其它维度的评分与对照组无差异(0.05)。 结论 BPG操作简便,具有无针眼、胆胰分流,不受胰腺残端限制,两道捆绑等多重特点与优点,已被临床证实在预防术后胰漏上效果明显。BPG对术后胰腺功能基本无影响,但仍需长期临床观察与验证。BPG术后患者的生理职能和情感职能下降可能与胰十二指肠切除术本身和心理因素关联更大,BPG对术后HRQoL基本无影响,但其远期作用还需进一步的观察与验证。
[Abstract]:Objective to evaluate the health related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients after binding pancreaticogastric anastomosis (BPG). Methods from June 2013 to March 2015, patients with type II BPG in general surgery department in our hospital were selected as study group. The postoperative symptoms and quality of life (QOL) were evaluated by telephone follow-up and Chinese version of SF-36 every 6 months. The control group of 1688 healthy residents of Hangzhou SF-36 norm. Results as of April 2015, 18 patients were enrolled, the median follow-up time was 14 months, the shortest follow-up was 1 month, and the longest follow-up was 22 months. Among them, 2 patients with chronic diarrhea and 2 patients with recurrent tumor died. A total of 15 patients were followed up for more than 12 months after operation for 6 months and 13 patients were followed up for more than 12 months. The HRQoL data of 13 patients at 12 months after operation and 12 months after operation were included in the statistical analysis. Compared with the control group. The results showed that the score of physiological function was lower than that of the control group at 6 months after operation, but there was no difference between the other dimensions and the control group (0.05). The scores of physiological and affective functions in 12 months after operation were lower than those in the control group (0.05), but the scores of other dimensions were not different from those of the control group (0.05). Conclusion BPG is easy to operate and has many advantages, such as no needle eye, biliary and pancreatic shunt, no limitation of pancreatic stump, and two-channel binding. It has been clinically proved that the effect of preventing pancreatic leakage after operation is obvious. BPG has no effect on pancreatic function after operation. But it still needs long-term clinical observation and verification. The decline of physiological and emotional functions of patients after BPG may be more related to the pancreaticoduodenectomy itself and psychological factors. BPG has no effect on HRQoL after operation. But its long-term effect still needs further observation and verification.


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