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damage control operation 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-12-07 20:05







damage control operation

  • 损伤控制剖腹术(2)

         Damage control operation for severe pancreatic trauma: a retrospective analysis of 19 cases



         Objective To explore the current management strategy and effect of damage control operation(DCO)for severe pancreatic trauma.

         目的总结损伤控制剖腹术(dam age control laparotomy,DCL)治疗严重胰腺损伤的经验。



         Application of damage control operation on serious abdominal trauma



         All the patients received early operation,in which 43 cases underwent the definitive operation,33 cases received damage control operation because of too severe injury.



         Objective To explore the effects of damage control operation (DCO) of combined pancreatoduodenal injuries with serious trauma.




         Damage control surgery in selective abdominal operation



         Control technology and operation.



         Damage Control Orthopedics


         Damage control surgery



         Application of damage control operation on serious abdominal trauma



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      damage control operation

    Rumsfeld, the Bush administration initiated a damage control operation by passing a law that regulates the Military Commissions.


    damage control operation 的翻译结果

    Objective To explore the current management strategy and effect of damage control operation(DCO)for severe pancreatic trauma. Methods The clinical data of 19 cases with severe pancreatic trauma were selected as the object of this study.A retrospective analysis was done on preference of DCO moduses and perioperative therapies.Results Operations were performed in all 19 patients including six cases(32%) treated with rapid surgical haemorrhage control,wound excision and drainage,three(11%) with...

    Objective To explore the current management strategy and effect of damage control operation(DCO)for severe pancreatic trauma. Methods The clinical data of 19 cases with severe pancreatic trauma were selected as the object of this study.A retrospective analysis was done on preference of DCO moduses and perioperative therapies.Results Operations were performed in all 19 patients including six cases(32%) treated with rapid surgical haemorrhage control,wound excision and drainage,three(11%) with Cogbill operation and 10(53%) with Whipple operation without reconstituted digestive tract.Then,all cases were under reoperations after SICU resuscitation.Death was caused by associated organs injuries and secondary infection,with mortality rate of 11%.The pancreatic fistula occurred in two cases(11%) that were healed by conservative treatments.Conclusion For severe pancreatic trauma cases in accordance with DCO indications,active and reasonable operation should be done according to location and degree of pancreas injury.

    目的总结损伤控制剖腹术(dam age control laparotomy,DCL)治疗严重胰腺损伤的经验。方法回顾性分析采用DCL治疗的19例严重胰腺损伤患者的手术方式选择和后续治疗情况。结果6例行快速止血、清创及引流(32%),3例行改良Cogb ill手术(16%),10例行消化道未重建的胰十二指肠切除(53%)。SICU复苏后,所有患者均接受再次确定性手术。死亡2例(11%),死亡原因与手术无关;治愈17例(89%),术后出现胰瘘2例(11%),经保守治疗痊愈。结论符合DCL指征的严重胰腺损伤的患者,应根据不同损伤胰腺部位和程度,积极选用适宜的方式,分次手术治疗。

    Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics and the outcome of severe trauma of various ages in emergency department,to improve the therapeutic effect of emergency rescuing.Methods Two thousand and sixty nine patients of severe trauma were treated during a seven-year period from October 1997 to October 2004.The studied patients were divided into 5 groups:(1)adolescent group(Group A,<13 years old,n=106);(2)juvenile group(Group B, 13-18 years old,n=128);(3)youth group(Group C,18-40 years old,n=1518);(4)middle...

    Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics and the outcome of severe trauma of various ages in emergency department,to improve the therapeutic effect of emergency rescuing.Methods Two thousand and sixty nine patients of severe trauma were treated during a seven-year period from October 1997 to October 2004.The studied patients were divided into 5 groups:(1)adolescent group(Group A,<13 years old,n=106);(2)juvenile group(Group B, 13-18 years old,n=128);(3)youth group(Group C,18-40 years old,n=1518);(4)middle age group(Group D, 40-60 years old,n=215);and(5)elderly group(Group E,>60 years old,n=102).All the patients were evaluated with Injury Severity Score(ISS),and the result was≥16 in all of the studied patients.Results The incidence of severe trauma in male in all 5 groups was higher than that in female,and it was significantly higher in Group C,Group D and Group E when compared with that in the other groups(P<0.01).Traffic accident was the leading cause of injury,and its incidence in Group A,Group B and Group D was higher than that in other groups(P<0.01).However,injury caused by falling from high places was the second cause of injury,being significantly increased in Group A,while armed fighting and injury during work being significantly increased in Group B,Group C and Group D,slip fall injury being significantly increased in Group E(P<0.01).Head injury was mainly found in Group A and Group E,extremities injury and/or spinal injury were increased markedly in Group B,Group C and Group D(P<0.05),abdominal injury was significantly decreased in Group E(P<0.001).The total mortality was 11.9%(246/2069).The mortality within 24 hours (20.6%,21/102)was significantly higher than that beyond 24 hours(7.8%,8/102)in Group E(P<0.01).The time of staying in the emergency department differed significantly between the survived patients and those died in all 5 groups (P<0.01).Conclusion The gender,the incidence and the characteristics of the injury causes and injury sites differed between severely injured patients of various ages.Mortality in the elderly is significantly increased following severe trauma. The idea of“golden one hour”and“platinum ten minutes”,measures of shortening the time of staying in the emergency clinic,early definite operation and damage control operation should be emphasized.

    目的分析不同年龄组严重创伤的临床特征和救治结果,以提高严重创伤的急诊救治水平。方法1997年10月至2004年10月7年间共救治严重创伤患者2069例,分为儿童组(<13岁)106例,少年组(13~18岁)128例,青壮年组(18~40岁)1518例,中年组(40~60岁)215例,老年组(>60岁) 102例。入选病例按损伤严重程度评分(ISS)标准进行评估,所有患者ISSl≥16。结果各组男性患者均多于女性,青年组、中年组和老年组男性严重创伤比例显著高于儿童组和少年组(P<0.01)。交通伤是首要致伤原因,儿童组、少年组和中年组高于青壮年和老年组(P<0.01);第二位致伤原因坠落伤在儿童组,械斗与工伤在少年组、青壮年组和中年组,跌伤在老年组中显著增高(P<0.01)。儿童组和老年组以颅脑损伤为主;而少年组、青壮年组和中年组在四肢和(或)脊柱的损伤中显著增高(P<0.05)。老年组腹部损伤显著减少(P<0.01)。总病死率为11.9%(246/2 069),老年组创伤<24 h病死率(20.6%,21/102)较≥24 h病死率(7.8%,8/102)显著增高(P<0.01)。各组的急诊滞留时间,在抢救脱...

    目的分析不同年龄组严重创伤的临床特征和救治结果,以提高严重创伤的急诊救治水平。方法1997年10月至2004年10月7年间共救治严重创伤患者2069例,分为儿童组(<13岁)106例,少年组(13~18岁)128例,青壮年组(18~40岁)1518例,中年组(40~60岁)215例,老年组(>60岁) 102例。入选病例按损伤严重程度评分(ISS)标准进行评估,所有患者ISSl≥16。结果各组男性患者均多于女性,青年组、中年组和老年组男性严重创伤比例显著高于儿童组和少年组(P<0.01)。交通伤是首要致伤原因,儿童组、少年组和中年组高于青壮年和老年组(P<0.01);第二位致伤原因坠落伤在儿童组,械斗与工伤在少年组、青壮年组和中年组,跌伤在老年组中显著增高(P<0.01)。儿童组和老年组以颅脑损伤为主;而少年组、青壮年组和中年组在四肢和(或)脊柱的损伤中显著增高(P<0.05)。老年组腹部损伤显著减少(P<0.01)。总病死率为11.9%(246/2 069),老年组创伤<24 h病死率(20.6%,21/102)较≥24 h病死率(7.8%,8/102)显著增高(P<0.01)。各组的急诊滞留时间,在抢救脱险病例和死亡病例之间比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论各年龄组严重创伤患者在性别构成、致伤原因和致伤部位的发病率及其特点是不同的,老年患者在遭受严重创伤后死亡率明显增高;观念上要重视“黄金1小时”,“白金10分钟”,缩短急诊滞留时间;早期实施手术抢救;应用损伤控制性手术。

    Objective To explore re-operation of the patient with severe trauma in intensive care unit(ICU).Methods Seventy-six patients with severe trauma received re-operation in ICU from January 2000 to December 2006,among which 58 cases were multiple trauma(ISS>16 in 16 cases,ISS≥25 in 42 cases),18 cases were single trauma(AIS >3).All the patients received early operation,in which 43 cases underwent the definitive operation,33 cases received damage control operation because of too severe injury.During the intensive...

    Objective To explore re-operation of the patient with severe trauma in intensive care unit(ICU).Methods Seventy-six patients with severe trauma received re-operation in ICU from January 2000 to December 2006,among which 58 cases were multiple trauma(ISS>16 in 16 cases,ISS≥25 in 42 cases),18 cases were single trauma(AIS >3).All the patients received early operation,in which 43 cases underwent the definitive operation,33 cases received damage control operation because of too severe injury.During the intensive care,40 patients who received routine operation,underwent re-operation because of stress ulcer;intestinal fistula,abscess of pleural cavity or intraperitoneal abscess,gangrene of gallbladder and hemorrhage.Results Fifty-nine patients were cured(77.6%),17 patients died.The main causes of early death were respiratory and circulatory failure because of severe injury,and the late death causes were multiple organ failure.Conclusion The patients with severe trauma should be observed intensively in intensive care unit,diagnosed and operated promptly to solve secondary pathological changes.The perfect diagnosis is needed.The definitive operation should be taken as soon as possible within 48 hours after injury.The staging operation should be taken in the patients with unstable vital signs.







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