本文选题:中药 + 锝亚甲基二磷酸盐 ; 参考:《河南中医学院》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: To observe the changes of the pain degree before and after the treatment of talus osteochondral damage by technetium methylene two phosphate and the change of AOFAS score, and evaluate the curative effect by using SPECT/CT image fusion technique, and verify the significance of the treatment of technetium methylene two phosphate and traditional Chinese medicine on the injury of the talus osteochondral injury. 75 cases of osteochondral injury of the talus were divided into three groups according to the principle of random control, each 25 cases. The Chinese traditional medicine group was treated with the method of activating blood circulation and collaterals, taking oral Chinese medicine every day in the morning and evening, taking 1 doses in each day, after meals and feeding for 30 days. In Yun Ke group, intravenous drip of technetium methylene two phosphate and intravenous drip, once a day, 22mg, Continuous treatment for 30 days. The combined group was treated with the method of activating blood circulation and collaterals combined with technetium methylene two phosphate for 30 days. After the end of the course, the pain scores, AOFAS scores and other changes in the three groups were observed, and the changes in the range of the patients' lesions were measured in parallel, and the results were statistically analyzed between the results of the three groups and the conclusion was concluded. Results: there was no significant difference in age, sex, course of disease and pain degree between the three groups before the treatment. After half a year, the three groups had significant differences in the pain effect (P0.05), the effective rate of the Chinese medicine group was 80%, the effective rate of Yun Ke group was 84%, the effective rate of the combined group was 92%, and there was significant difference in the AOFAS score (P0.05), and the effective Chinese medicine group was effective. The rate was 76%, the effective rate of the Yun Ke group was 80%, the effective rate of the combined group was 92%, the comparison of the SPECT/CT range was significant (P0.05), the effective rate of the Chinese medicine group was 73.68%, the effective rate of Yun Ke group was 80.93%, the effective rate of the combined group was 88.89%. conclusion: 1, technetium methylene two phosphate combined with traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of the talar osteochondral injury, which could effectively relieve the pain and improve the AO of the patients. FAS score can promote cartilage repair.2, SPECT/CT examination can be used as early as possible to directly reflect the metabolic changes and anatomical changes in the lesion area, and objectively evaluate the curative effect.
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