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发布时间:2018-07-03 06:04

  本文选题:PINCER型股骨髋臼撞击综合征 + PINCER型股骨髋臼撞击综合征X线影像学征象 ; 参考:《遵义医学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: To study the changes in hip mobility in the presence of PINCER type FAI signs on the hip joint orthographic film by comparing the hip motion of the PINCER type femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) imaging findings and no abnormal signs on the hip joint orthotopic films. Methods: the Zhongshan Medicine Affiliated to the Dalian University from 2010 to 2016 was selected. After the proposed exclusion criteria, after the proposed exclusion criteria, for the patients with nonstandard hip joint position, the patients were taken again on the standard hip joint film: the patient was lying on the camera, the median sagittal vertical surface of the human body, the two lower extremity straightening, the mild internal rotation of the bipedal 10 degrees -15 degrees, and the center line through the anterior superior iliac spine line. Point with the middle point of the joint superior line of the pubis, the exposure range includes the entire pelvis, the tube voltage 65KV, and the distance of the photographing of 110-120cm. by two senior year imaging physicians to screen the PINCER FAI imaging signs of the above hip joint under the double blindness, with a total of 265 cases (430 hips); at the same time, 50 cases (100 hips) have no abnormality. According to the PINCER FAI imaging signs, the above patients were divided into the study group (265 cases, 430 hips) and the control group (50 cases, 100 hips). The study group was divided into 5 subgroups according to the performance of each PINCER type FAI line image on the hip joint: the A group: the "cross sign" group; the B group: "the over depth of the acetabulum." Group C: group C: "cross sign + acetabular deep" group; group D: "acetabular deep + posterior wall sign" group; group E: "acetabular protruding + posterior wall sign" group. The measurements of all hip joint activity (anterior flexion, extension, internal rotation, external rotation, adduction, abduction) were measured by a unified method, and the results of the impact test and the "4" test were recorded before and after examination. Record the results. Each group in the study group was compared with the control group, and the differences of the two groups of joint activity were statistically analyzed with the independent sample T test in the SPSS17.0 software. The difference between the positive rate of the front and back impact test and the "4" test was statistically analyzed with chi square test. The results were all included in the results analysis and two groups of samples. There was no statistical difference in the general data. The results were as follows: (1) the "cross sign" group: a total of 101 cases, the results showed that the hip joint activity was different from the normal group when there was "cross sign" sign on the hip joint, mainly in flexion (P0.001), internal rotation (P0.001), adduction (P0.001), and positive impact test positive. (P0.001): (2) "too deep acetabulum" group: 123 cases in this study, there were no obvious changes in the joint activity compared with the normal group, the flexion (P=0.888), the extension (P=0.878), the internal rotation (P=0.082), the external rotation (P=0.336), the adduction (P=0.845), the abduction (P= 0.806), the front and back impact test and the "4" test were all negative; (3) "cross sign + excessive acetabulum" group: a total of 7 In 7 cases, the abnormality of joint activity was mainly in flexion (P0.001), internal rotation (P=0.002), adduction (P0.001), positive impact test positive (P0.001); (4) "posterior wall sign" + excessive acetabulum group: a total of 67 cases (P0.001), external rotation (P0.001), extension (P0.001), and posterior impact test were positive (P0.001) and "4" test. Test positive (P0.001). (5) "posterior wall sign + acetabular protrusion" in 66 cases, its joint activity was internal rotation (P0.001), external rotation (P0.001), adduction (P0.001), extension (P0.001), the positive rate of front and back impact test and "4" test were statistically significant (P0.001). Conclusion: when there is only "cross sign" sign on the hip joint position, hip joint The activity degree is different from that of the normal hip joint. But the simple "acetabulum too deep" has no significant influence on the activity of the hip joint. In addition, when the posterior wall overlay the anatomic abnormalities (the posterior wall sign), the front impact test and the "4" word test will also be positive except for the positive post impact test.


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