[Abstract]:[objective] to construct the database of acetabular anterior column surface information by using the 3D reconstruction model of CT tomography data, and to design anatomic locking plate with angle stability and accord with the shape of acetabular anterior column surface. [methods] 146 cases of whole pelvis were collected, including 94 males and 52 females, aged 1878 years (mean 43.6 years). The data of pelvis. Dicom format were imported into Mimics 17.0 software for 3D reconstruction, and the diameter of acetabular was measured. The 3D reconstruction data were transferred into 3-matic 9.0 software, and the intercept plane was set up to measure the size of the acetabular dangerous area and the angle between the quadrangular area and the iliac fossa. According to the measured data, two types of acetabular anterior column anatomic locking plate were designed. Finally, the steel plate model is designed and imported into the digital milling machine. [results] the acetabular diameter of male and female was (57.37 卤3.10) mm, () 53.28 卤3.37 mm, the size of acetabular dangerous area was (51.76 卤2.94) mm, () 48.18 卤2.71 mm, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). However, there was no significant difference between male (116.07 卤2.88 掳) and female (114.67 卤2.69 掳) in the angle between the four regions and iliac fossa (P0.05). The designed anatomic locking plate fits well with the surface of the acetabular anterior column, and the 3D images of acetabular with different sizes are selected to match, and the matching degree is high. All preset screws can steer clear of the acetabulum. [conclusion] there are individual differences in the anatomic structure of the anterior column of the acetabular, but there is no significant correlation between this difference and the size and sex of the acetabular. The designed anatomic locking plate has a high matching degree with the acetabular anterior column, and the locking screw can avoid the acetabular completely, which provides a new choice for the treatment of the complex acetabular anterior column fracture.
【作者单位】: 南方医科大学第五附属医院;
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