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发布时间:2018-07-29 19:25
[Abstract]:Objective: To investigate the progress of traditional Chinese and Western Medicine on osteoarthritis of knee joint, to observe the clinical efficacy and safety of modified hyaluronas fumigation and sodium hyaluronate injection in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis in the early and middle stages, explore its mechanism, explore new ideas and methods for the treatment of this disease by traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, and treat the knee in clinical traditional Chinese medicine. Objective to provide an objective scientific basis for osteoarthritis of the joint. Methods: 60 patients were randomly divided into the treatment group and the control group, including 34 cases in the treatment group and 26 cases in the control group. The treatment group was treated with modified Haitong skin soup fumigation and Sodium Hyaluronate Injection joint injection, and the control group only used Sodium Hyaluronate Injection joint cavity. Injection, 1 months as a course of treatment. The improvement of TCM symptoms in two groups of patients was evaluated by TCM symptom score; the improvement of the pain degree of knee joint in two groups of patients was evaluated by VAS score; and the recovery of functional activity of knee joint in the two groups was evaluated using the Lysholm knee function score scale. The SPSS19.0 software was used. Statistical analysis of the data. Results: (1) baseline data analysis: the baseline data and basic condition difference of the two groups before treatment were not statistically significant (P0.01), and on the basis of the clinical trials, the reliability was higher. (2) the analysis of the curative effect: (1) the improvement of the symptoms: from the TCM symptom score, after the treatment ended, the treatment was treated. The symptom score of the group was reduced from 56.32 points to 17.56 points, and the control group was reduced from 58.15 to 30.08. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant. The difference was statistically significant between the two groups after treatment. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant. The two groups could improve the symptoms, but the improvement of the clinical symptoms in the treatment group was obviously superior to the control group; from the traditional Chinese medicine symptoms, the treatment group was significantly better than the control group. The symptoms of the treatment group were significantly better than the control group; from the traditional Chinese medicine symptoms, the symptoms were significantly better than the control group. After the treatment, the total effective rate of the treatment group was 94.12%, the total effective rate of the control group was 76.92%. by chi 2 test, P=0.025, P0.05, the two groups had significant difference in efficiency, that is, the curative effect of the treatment group was better than the control group. The integral from 6.45 points to 2.17 points, the control group from 6.49 to 4.57 points. The two group comparison, P0.01, the difference has statistical significance. Two groups after treatment group comparison, P0.01, the difference has statistical significance. The two groups can reduce the pain of the patients, but the treatment group to alleviate pain is better than the control group. Thirdly, improve joint functional activity: improve the effect of joint function: From the change of Lysholm knee function score, after the treatment, the function score of the treatment group was from 58.24 to 80.32, and the control group was from 59.23 to 73.73. The two group was compared, P0.01, the difference has statistical significance. The two groups after treatment group comparison, P0.01, difference has statistical significance. It shows that two groups can improve the knee joint. Functional activities were better than those of the control group. (3) safety analysis: during the treatment, there were no clinical infection and other discomfort before and after treatment, regular monitoring of patients' blood routine, biochemical examination, and no adverse reactions and side effects. On the basis of the Haitong skin soup, combined with many years of clinical experience, the main drug components are selected and used to treat the dysfunction of limb function. This study has proved that the modified hyaluronas and sodium hyaluronate are used for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis in the early and middle stages to improve the knee osteoarthritis. The TCM symptoms of joint have good curative effect on relieving knee pain, eliminating swelling of knee joint and restoring the function of knee joint. It has good safety and value of clinical application. It is worth studying in depth.


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