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发布时间:2018-08-01 10:05
[Abstract]:Background: the effectiveness of femoral nerve block in the perioperative analgesia of total knee arthroplasty is widely recognized, but the necessity of combined sciatic nerve block has been controversial. Objective: To explore the analgesic effect and functional exercise of femoral nerve block combined with sciatic nerve block in the perioperative multimode analgesia. Methods: 150 patients with total knee arthroplasty were randomly divided into 3 groups, 50 cases in each group. The general anesthesia group was performed general anesthesia before the operation; femoral nerve block group was performed the femoral nerve block before general anesthesia; femoral nerve + sciatic nerve block group was treated with the lateral femoral nerve and the sciatic deity block before general anesthesia. The 3 groups were resting after the operation, and the movement state was compared. Results and conclusions: (1) the femoral nerve block group, the femoral nerve and the sciatic nerve block group were resting at all time points after the operation, and the exercise visual analogue score was significantly lower than the general anesthesia group (P0.05), the femoral nerve + sciatic nerve block group was significant (1) Lower than the femoral nerve block group (P0.05); (2) the femoral nerve block group, the femoral nerve + sciatic nerve block group was significantly greater than the general anesthesia group (P0.05), femoral nerve + sciatic nerve block group was significantly greater than the femoral nerve block group (P0.05); (3) femoral nerve block group, femoral nerve + sciatic nerve block group after operation days after operation Significantly less than the general anesthesia group (P0.05), femoral nerve + sciatic nerve block group was significantly less than the femoral nerve block group (P0.05); (4) 1 months after the operation, the femoral nerve block group, the femoral nerve + sciatic nerve block group HSS score was significantly higher than the general anesthesia group (P0.05), femoral nerve + sciatic nerve block group was significantly higher than the femoral nerve block group (P0.05); after the operation, the group was significantly higher than the femoral nerve block group (P0.05). There was no significant difference in HSS score between the 3 groups at 3 months and 6 months (P0.05). (5) the results suggested that the femoral nerve combined with sciatic nerve block had better postoperative analgesic effect in the multimodal analgesia during total knee replacement, and provided the early functional exercise for the patients with total knee replacement. Favorable conditions.
【作者单位】: 安徽医科大学第一附属医院关节与骨肿瘤外科;安徽医科大学第一附属医院麻醉科;


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