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发布时间:2018-08-04 21:24
[Abstract]:Large hemorrhage of upper gastrointestinal tract refers to the loss of blood volume 1000ml or 20% circulatory blood volume over a short period of time in the digestive tract of the flexor ligaments. It is a most common critical emergency in the clinic. The mortality rate can be as high as 40%. of the stomach, and duodenal hemorrhage accounts for the limitation of the equipment examination, and there are still about 5% of the causes of digestive tract bleeding. The continuous progress and standardization of the comprehensive treatment of medicine, endoscopy and intervention, nonsurgical treatment is effective for most upper gastrointestinal bleeding. However, some internal medical treatment results are not good, especially the large hemorrhage of upper gastrointestinal tract, which is unclear, is still a major problem in the clinical. Active treatment, still unable to control the symptoms, the need for active surgery, surgical treatment may be the last hope of the patient. With the vigorous development of the abdominal minimally invasive technology, the application of laparoscopic technology in the gastrointestinal surgery is becoming more and more widespread. For patients with large gastrointestinal bleeding, how to find bleeding spots as soon as possible to stop bleeding, how to reduce Few surgical trauma, how to reduce postoperative complications and improve postoperative recovery. Many scholars have discussed the application of laparoscopy in these patients. Both animal experiments and clinical practice indicate that laparoscopic intragastric surgery is feasible and can be applied to the clinic. However, there are still many problems that need to be advanced. The purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility and safety of endoscopic endagastric cavity treatment for acute gastroduodenal hemorrhage, and summarize the experience. A retrospective study of 27 cases of large gastroduodenal hemorrhage in -2016 in 2012, of which 15 cases of gastrointestinal bleeding were treated by traditional methods, 13 men and 2 women. 21-88 years of age and 8 cases of duodenal hemorrhage, including 3 cases of vascular malformation, 6 cases of ulcer bleeding, 7 cases of intragastric hemorrhage, 4 cases of gastric ulcer bleeding, 2 cases of gastric malignant tumor (clear postoperative routine examination results) and 1 cases of gastric cardia tear syndrome, 12 cases of gastrointestinal bleeding were used in this study, 8 men, 4 cases, age 23-68. 4 cases of duodenal hemorrhage, including 2 cases of vascular malformation, 2 cases of ulcer bleeding, 8 cases of intragastric bleeding, 1 cases of rupture of gastric fundus varicosity, 3 cases of cardia tear syndrome, 1 cases of vascular rupture of stromal tumor, 1 cases of gastric antral ulcer bleeding, 2 cases of gastric fundus vascular rupture and hemorrhage, were used in this study to explore the stomach ten with endoscopy or combined gastroscope building cavity exploration of the stomach ten The two finger intestines were treated in the stomach cavity. Only 1-3 5mm holes were done on the stomach wall, the endoscopic instruments were used to complete the cavity irrigation, the focus of the lesion and the hemostasis of the lesion, and the traditional methods in the patient's operation time, the time of gastric tube retention, the time of eating, the use of acid medicine, the use of postoperative analgesic drugs, the time of hospitalization and postoperative close. Results the time of recurrent bleeding was compared. Results the endoscopic group was better than the open group in the operation time, the time of extubation, the time of eating, the use of acid, the time of hospitalization, and the difference was statistically significant (P0.05, see table 4.2). The two groups were better than the open group in the comparison of postoperative severe complications (P=0.00010 .05, see table 4.3). The two groups in the postoperative use of analgesic drugs in comparison, endoscopic group is better than the open group, although the difference, there are differences, there is statistical significance, but need to consider the subjective factors of the individual and the difference in the mode of operation, this article does not do further analysis in this respect, further discussion in the future in clinical. Conclusion this method obviously reduces the surgical injury of the patients, reduces the operation time and the effect of postoperative hemostasis reliable. This technique of diagnosis and treatment in one is a new method for the treatment of acute gastroduodenal hemorrhage, and it is hopeful to be further applied. The main problem before the eyes is that the clinical experience is still few and still need to be found. Further exploration and improvement in clinical application.


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